Save error
Opened this issue · 2 comments
tpatgm commented
I'm new user of ConstrcutiveGeometry.
WhanI run the sphre_cube example, there is the following error with save.
What am I doing wrong.
Thank you for your support
julia> save("sphere_cube.png", u)
Errors encountered while save File{DataFormat{:PNG}, String}("sphere_cube.png").
All errors:
MethodError: no method matching save(::File{DataFormat{:PNG}, String}, ::ConstructiveGeometry.ConstructedSolid{:union, Vector{ConstructiveGeometry.AbstractGeometry{3}}, 3})
plut commented
The actual plotting is done by CairoMakie
, so this is how it should be done:
using ConstructiveGeometry, FileIO, CairoMakie
save("/tmp/a.png", sphere(10))
(I guess I could add an error message when no Makie
backend is loaded, but currently I don't know how to detect this).
tpatgm commented