
work with docx4j files in basex

Primary LanguageJava


work with docx4j files in basex


  • basex automatically unzips a docx, when their CLI basexclient is used, but not when their webdav interface is used. But it drops the _rels dir!

  • Basex XMLDB API is broken

  • Webdav seems to work with bitkinex

    sardine client get [Content_Types].xml gives premature end of file even though it looks ok via rest put - server doesn't respond

    milton-client just gives a 501 when getting [Content_Types].xml; and it has no method for getting an inputstream milton-client has too many dependencies; for all these reasons. Remove it from build path.

  • rest interface is OK. Gotchyas (1) loading .. sniff result. (2) saving .. have to call conn.getResponseCode() or conn.getResponseMessage() .. not sure which (or it doesn't work!)