pluto0007's Stars
This is the repository with all the resources for the Jenkins training on Udemy
In this article, we will be creating a sample REST CRUD APIs and provide JWT role based authorization using spring security to these APIs. We will be using spring boot 2.0 and JWT 0.9.0. In the DB, we will have two roles defined as ADMIN and USER with custom UserDetailsService implemented and based on these roles the authorization will be decided. We will be using spring data to perform our CRUD operations and spring provided annotations such as @PreAuthorize, @Secured and @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity for authorization.
This article aims to provide a working example of spring boot security and oauth2. It has implementation for resource server and authorization server and connection to database with bcrypt password encoder.
A demo for spring boot jwt based authentication service
This application essentially helps to efficiently allocate cars to drivers based on various criterias described below. You can also create/edit more drivers and add more cars in the system.
A demo for spring boot & zuul microservice service
Allow drivers select cars to drive