
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Data from https://artofproblemsolving.com/wiki/index.php/IMO_Problems_and_Solutions


pip install -r requirements.txt
python main.py output_file.json

Data Format

  • Problem & Solution in Markdown format ($ ... $ and $$ ... $$ for $\LaTeX$ equations, ## for subtitles)
  • Includes graph URLs
  • Arranged in year and Problem No.
  • Multiple solutions


(See data.json for full data)

    "2019": {
            "1": {
                "Problem": {
                    "graphs": [],
                    "text": "Let $\\mathbb{Z}$ be the set of integers. Determine all ..."
                "Solutions": [
                        "graphs": [],
                        "text": "Let us substitute $0$ in for $a$ to get\n\\[f(0) + 2f(b) = f(f(b)).\\]\nNow, since the domain  ..."
                        "graphs": [],
                        "text": "We plug in $a=-b=x$ and $a=-b=x+k$ to get \n\\[f(2x)+2f(-x)=f(f(0)),\\]\n\\[f(2(x+k))+2f(-(x+k))=f(f(0)),\\]\nrespectively.\nSettin ..."
                        "graphs": [],
                        "text": "The only solutions are $f(x)=0, 2x+c.$ For some integer $c.$\nObviously these work. ..."
                        "graphs": [],
                        "text": "We claim the only solutions are $f\\equiv0$ and $f(x)=2x+c$ for some integer $c$.,  ..."
            "2": {