This app is an exercise for my course "Internetanwendungen fuer mobile Geraete" in media computer science. The aim of it is to present an author's work archive for mobile devices in a graphical/visual approach.
The subject here is to create a browser-app running on node, coded by pure JavaScript without using any other JS-Framework to facilitate functionality like JQuery usually does.
As an SASS/SCSS lover, I couldn't resist using a preprocessor for compiling it to CSS, despite the possible overhead for this rather small app!
All content-, JS- and CSS-files are generated into the 'dist' folder. Changes are made only within the 'src' folder.
Clone the repository and install all dependencies with
bower install
npm install
npm install -g gulp
$ gem update --system
gem install sass
sudo gem install sass
Then check your version (should be 3.3.x)
sass -v
Compass runs on any computer that has ruby installed.
Then install compass
gem install compass
Install autoprefixer to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules fetched from 'Can I Use'
sudo npm install --global autoprefixer
Build, serve and watch the local repository version. With livereload on top.
gulp serve
sh ./
sh ./