
Primary LanguagePython


Simulations for Qudit systems

PyPI version


After pip install qudit, you can use the package as follows:


Two qubit example: bell state

from qudit import *
D = DGate(2) # create gateset for 2-dits

# p = |00><00|
p00 = Psi(Dit(2, 0), Dit(2, 0)).density()

H_x_I = D.H ^ np.eye(2) # H x I
rho = D.CX | H_x_I | p00 # rho - H x I - CX

# Tr(|11><11| p)
prob = Tr(Psi(2, "11").density().dot(rho))
print(prob) # 0.5

Three Qutrit example: 3-GHZ state = $\frac{1}{\sqrt{3}}(|000\rangle + |111\rangle + |222\rangle)$

from qudit import *

P000 = Psi(Dit(3, 0), Dit(3, 0), Dit(3, 0))
P111 = Psi(Dit(3, 1), Dit(3, 1), Dit(3, 1))
P222 = Psi(Dit(3, 2), Dit(3, 2), Dit(3, 2))

GHZ = Dit(P000, P111, P222)

# alternative way to create GHZ state
P000 = Psi(3, "000")
P111 = Psi(3, "111")
P222 = Psi(3, "222")

GHZ = Dit(P000, P111, P222)
