
It is kind of a copy (just the idea) of https://github.com/face-hh/bruh. i made my own code, and it is for mac, not just windows as face-hh made it

Primary LanguageShell

PNG to .bruh Converter and Viewer

This project contains a set of scripts that allow you to convert PNG images to .bruh format and view them on a Mac.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running.


The scripts require the following dependencies:

  • ImageMagick
  • ufraw
  • sdl2
  • sdl2_image

You can install these dependencies by running the installDependencies.sh script:

bash ./installDependencies.sh


Convert PNG to .bruh

To convert a PNG image to .bruh format, use the convertPngToBruh.sh script:

bash ./convertPngToBruh.sh <input.png>

Replace <input.png> with the path to the PNG image you want to convert. The script will create a .bruh file in the same directory of the "bruh_but_better" file folder.

View .bruh Image

To view a .bruh image, use the viewBruh.sh script:

bash ./viewBruh.sh <input.bruh>

Replace <input.bruh> with the path to the .bruh image you want to view. The script will open the image using the default viewer.