
Errors related to ex_doc since version 3.3.1

Closed this issue · 3 comments


When updating amqp from version 3.3.0 to version 3.3.1 in my project, dialyzer emits multiple warnings:

Error loading makeup_erlang, dependency list may be incomplete.
 {~c"no such file or directory", ~c""}
Error loading makeup_elixir, dependency list may be incomplete.
 {~c"no such file or directory", ~c""}
Error loading makeup, dependency list may be incomplete.
 {~c"no such file or directory", ~c""}
Error loading ex_doc, dependency list may be incomplete.
 {~c"no such file or directory", ~c""}

And tests don't run anymore:

** (Mix) Could not start application makeup: could not find application file:

If I switch to {:amqp, git: ""} in my mix.exs file, it works correctly.

Maybe the hex package is not valid? The mix.exs file in deps/amqp with version 3.3.1 is not exactly the same than the mix.exs in your repo:

diff --color -r ./mix.exs ../../../../../../amqp/mix.exs
<       applications: [:amqp_client, :logger, :makeup, :makeup_elixir, :makeup_erlang, :ex_doc],
>       applications: [:amqp_client, :logger],
<       {:makeup, "1.1.0", only: :docs},

Maybe I missed something?


ono commented

Ah, what a pain... 🤦‍♂️

I just retired 3.3.1. I am really sorry about the hassle 🙇‍♂️

I also reopened #232 and will release 3.3.2 once all doc generation issue is sorted.

Thank you very much for reporting. Really appreciate it ❤️

ono commented

Just released 3.3.2. Thanks again!

Thank you for your quick fix! It's working again with 3.3.2