Stair Dismount by Francisco Mabres


  • Git
  • CMake

Steps to Clone:

Place the private key where you want to clone the repository and put this into console:

eval `ssh-agent -s` && ssh-agent $(ssh-add privatekey; git clone --recursive

It should start cloning immediately. if you are on windows you might need to use git bash in order to do this.

For other GUI's: Importing a private key on Gitkraken: Importing a private key on Sourcetree: Check for section "Step 4. Install your private key on Pageant"


The project has 3 submodules:

  • Bullet3
  • glm
  • SFML

Because of complexity it wasn't possible to include also glew as a submodule.

If for any reason the modules have not been pulled on the initial clone then you can pull them with the following command.

cd vendor
git submodule update --init --recursive

###Development Tools

It was originally developed with IntelliJ CLion but it can be used with any editor/IDE that supports CMake projects.


For building it can be done directly through the IDE. Also there are two scripts provided for Windows and Unix systems.

  • build.bat

Both provide a default run on cmake that will get the project linked and compiled.


Camera Controls: JKLI to rotate, Up,right,down,left arrows to move the camara


Missing Features

A Ragdoll object. Physics translation of rotations to draw world. A proper working Mesh collider.

Even though it was hard and I couldn't achieve all my objectives, I really enjoyed the time spent on this project as it made me learn many new knowledge in such a short period of time! So it was fun overall!!