The publication platform for Mozilla's marketing websites.
Make sure you have docker and docker-compose. After those are setup and running you can use the following commands:
$ # This file must exist and you can customize environment variables for local dev in it
$ touch .env
$ # this pulls our latest builds from the docker hub.
$ # it's optional but will speed up your builds considerably.
$ docker-compose pull
$ # get the site up and running
$ docker-compose up web
If you've made changes to the Dockerfile
or the requirements.txt
files you'll need to rebuild
the image to run the app and tests:
$ docker-compose build web
Then to run the app you run the docker-compose up web
command again, or for running tests against your local changes you run:
$ docker-compose run --rm test
We use pytest for running tests. So if you'd like to craft your own pytest command to run individual test files or something you can do so by passing in a command to the above:
$ docker-compose run --rm test py.test nucleus/base/
And if you need to debug a running container, you can open another terminal to your nucleus code and run the following:
$ docker-compose exec web bash
$ # or
$ docker-compose exec web python shell
- Add your project in Docker Registry as Automated Build
- Prepare a 'env' file with all the variables needed by dev, stage or production.
- Run the image:
$ docker run --env-file env -p 80:8000 mozilla/nucleus
- heroku create
- heroku config:set DEBUG=False, SECRET_KEY=something_secret DATABASE_URL gets populated by heroku once you setup a database.
- git push heroku master
A newrelic.ini file is already included. To enable NewRelic monitoring add two enviroment variables:
See the full list of supported environment variables. has public examples of deployments in k8s clusters in AWS & GCP.
We have set up as CI/CD for via this .gitlab-ci.yml, which updates the config repo triggering configured by .gitlab-ci.yml in the config repo.