Web map of hiking trails at Camp Swatara, located in Berks County, Pennsylvania, USA.
- 1
Resolve Rendering of Appalachian Trail
#25 opened by pmacMaps - 0
Move Scale Bar Above Credits Text
#24 opened by pmacMaps - 0
Add Basemap Selecto to Esri JS API Branch
#23 opened by pmacMaps - 2
Create Map Legend Modal
#18 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Create Disclaimer Modal
#19 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Use Feature Service for Hiking Trails
#22 opened by pmacMaps - 0
Add Parcel port URL to Esri API Referrer List
#21 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Resolve GeoJSON import with Bundler
#20 opened by pmacMaps - 1
- 0
Upgrade to Bootstrap 4.x
#7 opened by pmacMaps - 0
Use build process with webpack
#8 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Get Esri vector basemaps to work
#9 opened by pmacMaps - 0
Mobile Layout
#14 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Connect Native Basemap Selector to Modal
#10 opened by pmacMaps - 2
Configure Appalachian Trail Layer
#11 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Boundary Trail has poor contrast against Imagery
#12 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Add Enhanced Scalebar
#13 opened by pmacMaps - 2
Find Topographic basemap with U.S. units
#5 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Refactor to ES modules
#6 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Remove "OpenTopoMap" when basemap changed
#4 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Add Basemap Selector Logic
#3 opened by pmacMaps - 1
Update Trails geojson file
#2 opened by pmacMaps