Client module based off of Josh David Miller's awesome ngBoilerplate project, with a couple changes:
- updated versions of Angular, Angular UI Router, and Angular Bootstrap, and Bootstrap
- use Jade for templating
First, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed:
- NodeJS:
- MongoDB:
- Git:
git clone
Run per the instructions for your host environment:
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
cd mean-boilerplate/client
npm install
bower install
grunt watch
# in a new shell...
cd mean-boilerplate/server
npm install
grunt watch
Once running, you can navigate to http://localhost:3000 to view the application.
To run the end-to-end tests, a Selenium server must be available to control. The server JAR file can be installed within the node_modules directory by running the following:
cd client
node node_modules/protractor/bin/webdriver-manager update
The E2E tests can then be run using Grunt
grunt e2e
Client holds Angular, HTML, CSS, Image resources. Can be optimized for production or left raw for dev.
|- Gruntfile.js # Specific to client app tasks
|- build.config.js
|- src/
| |- index.tpl.html # top-level page for unauthenticated users
| |- billing.tpl.html # top-level page for billing (optional)
| |- dashboard.tpl.html # top-level page for dashboard (optional)
| |- app/ # app specific code
| | |- app.js
| | |- app.spec.js
| | |- billing/ # subsection with code and tests
| | | |- billing.js
| | | |- billing.spec.js
| | | |- billing-controller.js
| | | |- billing-controller.spec.js
| | | |- billing-template.jade
| | | |- billing.scss
| | | |- details/
| | | | |- details.js
| | | | |- details.spec.js
| | | | |- details-controller.js
| | | | |- details-controller.spec.js
| | | | |- details-template.jade
| | | | |- details.scss
| | |- dashboard/
| | | |- dashboard.js
| | | |- dashboard.spec.js
| | | |- dashboard-controller.js
| | | |- dashboard-controller.spec.js
| | | |- dashboard-template.jade
| | | |- dashboard.scss
| | | |- products/
| | | | |- products.js
| | | | |- products.spec.js
| | | | |- products-controller.js
| | | | |- products-controller.spec.js
| | | | |- products-template.jade
| | | | |- products.scss
| |- assets/ # static files (e.g. images, fonts)
| | |- fonts/
| | |- images/
| |- common/ # shared components (modules/services/directives/filters)
| | |- data/ # mock data (likely only for prototyping)
| | |- filters/
| | | |- phone-number-filter.js
| | |- services/
| | | |- account-service.js
| | | |- billing-service.js
| | |- directives/
| | |- modules/ # shared modules that are re-used across the application
| | | |- header/
| | | | |- header.js
| | | | |- header.spec.js
| | | | |- header-controller.js
| | | | |- header-controller.spec.js
| | | | |- header-template.jade
| | | | |- header.scss
| |- vendor/ # 3rd-party resources
| | |- bootstrap/
| | |- angular/
| | |- angular-ui-router/
| |- css/ # CSS
|- test_config/
| |- karma.unit.config.tpl.js
| |- protractor.e2e.config.tpl.js
|- test_e2e/
| |- pages/ # page representations (see [Page Objects](
| |- tests/ # test specs
Server hold Node resources.
|- Gruntfile.js # Specific to server app tasks
|- server.js # Node server
|- lib/
| |- middleware.js
| |- routes.js
| |- config/
| | |- express.config
| | |- passport.config
| | |- env/ # env configuration
| |- controllers/ # route handlers
| |- models/ # business object representations
| |- domain/ # repository object representations
| |- repositories/ # Integrations
Tools hold application and setup related tooling
|- db # database scripts