
Examples using Deno.

MIT LicenseMIT

Deno Examples

Deno is a V8 based runtime which uses TypeScript as default language. This repository contains several examples of Deno use.

Installing Deno

You can install deno using curl in Linux/Unix/osX machines or using other tools.

curl -fsSL https://deno.land/x/install/install.sh | sudo DENO_INSTALL=/usr/local sh

You have to manually add Deno to your path in your .bash_profile.

export DENO_INSTALL="/Users/userName/.local"

Executing Examples

Examples are located in "examples" folder. To run examples just execute Deno binary as follows:

deno run examples/exampleName.ts


  • helloWorld.ts Hello World in Deno.
  • modules.ts Deno's module system.
  • nameSpace.ts Deno's name space.
  • testing.ts Deno's testing suite.
  • importMap.ts Example using import map feature.
  • fsWerite.ts Example of --allow* flags.
  • httpServer.ts Simple http server in Deno.
