
Table of Contents


Delivery Express is a mobile application that connects couriers (who own the vehicle and want to make deliveries) to customers (who have delivery demands and are looking for couriers to make them).

Developed by Pedro Igor, and designed by Vinicius Arantes.

flutter issues forks stars license

Project Status

In progress……


How to used


How to clone code from GitHub

In the terminal in the destination folder that you want to clone, and with Git previously installed on the machine, and with the SSH key configured, type:

git clone

Project Installation

When cloning the project from the repository, and then opening it on a machine with the minimum prerequisites listed on the Flutter website, you must run the following terminal command:

flutter pub get

Running the project

And with the Android or iPhone emulator, in the terminal run the command:

flutter run


Delivery Express currently supports three languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish, and is open to collaboration to add new languages so it can be more accessible to everyone.

Translation files are in the l10n folder with .arb file extension, similar in structure to .json. As explained in Flutter documentation from , .arb files are generated by the following command:

flutter gen-l10n

Retrieving a .dart file for use within the application and calling the parts you want to translate:


And hot reload ⚡

For more information, visit Flutter's official documentation on Internationalization.


Flutter is used in this project, a Cross-platform framework written in Dart, created by Google in 2017. This technology was chosen for its versatility, ease of use, code maintenance and other amenities, and it is on the rise in the world of development.

For the layout of the App, Figma was used.

Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface) is also used to obtain the user's location and map display in the application and Firebase for data storage and user login/SignUp.

With the announcement that Flutter now supports Material You (Material 3) made by Google at Google I/O 2022, it was chosen to use the feature that left the design more modern and minimalist. As Delivery Express was initially developed with Flutter version 2.10.1 it was upgraded to Flutter 3 without much trouble.


App Logo

It's pretty simple, it's the delivery guy with the app's main color with an elevation to give a drop shadow effect.

Colors Used

For the colors, the main color was used from the original design. But with the release of Material 3, a tool for harmonizing colors and dynamic colors was launched, the Material Theme Builder.

Primary color is: #B91D1D

So we have as a result:

Fonts Used

The following fonts are currently used in this project:

  • Montserrat1
  • Quick Express2

Where the first is used in every app and in the logo, and the second mentioned is only used in the app logo on the login page, to get dynamics for different screen sizes.


Below, in this section, there are some mockups of how some screens of the app were working, for example the login screen.

Login Vehicle Data Vehicle Data Data for Receipt - Client


Pedro Igor

💻 🌍

Vinicius Arantes

🎨 🤔



  1. Montserrat has an Open Font License, obtained from Google Fonts.

  2. Quick Express has an unknown license, and was obtained from Font Meme.