Notification - Task Service

Getting Started

docker compose build --no-cache to build fresh images

docker compose up to run application

Setup application:

docker exec -it transfersgo-php-1 sh
composer install
bin/console doctrine:database:create
bin/console doctrine:database:create --env=test
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --env=test
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load
bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --env=test

Run tests

vendor/bin/codecept run Unit
vendor/bin/codecept run Functional
vendor/bin/phpstan # level 9

Provider Setup

There are currently two providers: "Twilio" and "Mocker".

In .env file set TWILIO_SID and TWILIO_TOKEN parameters.


There is no supervisor installed. We have to manually run the command to send scheduled notifications ( e.g. due to retry ).

bin/console worker:notification:send-scheduled


Download postman and import postman/notification.postman_collection.json.

There are two endpoints:

  1. create notification
  2. update provider configuration

I am sorry, no endpoint for fetch, you need to check database ( port 5430 ! ).

What is done

  • you can send notification
  • you can define several providers for the same type of notification channel
  • a notification is delayed and later resent if all providers fail ( retry strategy )
  • provided an abstraction between at least two different messaging service providers ( BUT the second is mocker )
  • architecture:
    • DDD ( Notification aggregate )
    • Hexagonal
    • CQRS
  • unit and functional tests

What is not done

  • no supervisor to trigger scheduled notifications ( must be run manually )
  • small number of tests :(
  • bonuses

More time

  • add: phpcs, infection, deptrac, tests !!!