Zero knowledge Chess Engine

* Establish the search tree
* Use a neural net to prune the search tree

Definitionin: Value network
V - f(board)

What is V?
V = -1 black wins board state
V = 0 draw board state
V = 1 white wins board state

Should we fix the value of the initial board state

What's the value of "about to lose"?

All positions where white wins = 1
All positions where draw = 0
All positions where black wins = -1


Pieces(1+6*2 - 16)
* Universal
** Blank
** En passant
* Pieces
** Pawn
** Bishop
** Knight
** Rook
** Rook (can castle)
** Queen
** King 

Extra state:
* To move
* Castle available x2
* En passant (target square - 64 bits) 

8x8x5 = 260 bits (vector of 0 or 1)