HawatelPS (hawatel_ps) is a Ruby gem for retrieving information about running processes. It is easy to use, and you can get useful information about a process. You can terminate
, suspend
, resume
and check the status
of the process on Linux platform. On Windows platform, you can terminate
and check the current status
of the process.
- On Linux platform, the HawatelPS collects all information from pseudo-file system /proc, and it is free from any gem dependencies.
- On Windows platform the HawatelPS collects all information from WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), and it is free from any gem dependencies.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'hawatel_ps'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install hawatel_ps
process = HawatelPS.search_by_pid(123)
p process.name if !process.nil?
processes = HawatelPS.proc_table
processes = HawatelPS.search_by_name('ruby')
processes.each do |process|
p "PID: #{process.pid}"
processes = HawatelPS.search_by_condition(attr => 'vmsize', oper => '>=', value => '2000')
processes.each do |process|
p process.pid
processes = HawatelPS.search_by_name('/^ruby/')
processes.each do |process|
p process.suspend
processes = HawatelPS.search_by_condition(attr => 'state', oper => '==', value => 'stopped')
processes.each do |process|
p process.resume
processes = HawatelPS.search_by_condition(attr => 'cpu_percent', oper => '>', value => '60')
processes.each do |process|
p process.terminate
NOTE: In case lack of permission to retrieving specified information, the attribute should return a string with the message "Permission denied."
Attribute name | Description |
cancelled_write_bytes | Cancelled write bytes. |
childs | Childs of the process. |
cmdline | Command line arguments. |
cpu_percent | Average percent cpu usage since start. |
cpu_time | Total cpu time. |
ctime | Create process time. |
cwd | Current working directory. |
egid | Effective GID. |
environ | Environment of the process. |
euid | Effective UID. |
exe | Filename of the executable. |
fsgidl | File system GID. |
fsuid | File system UID. |
limits | Limits |
listen_ports | List ports on which process listening. |
memory_percent | Percent total memory usage by process. |
open_files | List open files by process (exclude /proc & /dev). |
pid | Process id. |
ppid | Process id of the parent process. |
rchar | Chars read. |
read_bytes | Bytes read. |
rgid | Real GID. |
ruid | Real UID. |
sgid | Saved set GID. |
state | State of process (running, stopped, ….). |
stime | Kernel mode jiffies. |
suid | Saved set UID. |
syscr | Read syscalls (numer of read I/O operations). |
syscw | Write syscalls (numer of write I/O operations). |
threads | Numer of threads. |
tty | Controlling tty (terminal). |
username | The user name of the owner of this process. |
utime | User mode jiffies. |
vmdata | Size of private data segments. |
vmlib | Size of shared library code. |
vmrss | Size of memory portions. |
vmsize | Total program size. |
vmswap | Amount of swap used by process. |
wchar | Chars written. |
write_bytes | Bytes written. |
Attribute name | Description |
availablevirtualsize | The free virtual address space available to this process. |
caption | Short description of an process one-line string. |
childs | Childs of the process. |
commandline | Command line used to start a specific process, if applicable. |
cpupercent | Average percent cpu usage since process start. |
creationclassname | It is always Win32_Process |
creationdate | Date the process begins executing. |
cscreationclassname | It is always Win32_ComputerSystem. |
csname | Name of the scoping computer system. |
description | Description of a process. |
domain | The domain name under which this process is running. |
executablepath | Path to the executable file of the process. |
executionstate | It is always nil. |
handle | Process identifier. |
handlecount | Total number of open handles owned by the process. HandleCount is the sum of the handles currently open by each thread in this process. |
installdate | Date an object is installed. The object may be installed without a value being written to this property. |
kernelmodetime | Time in kernel mode, in 100 nanosecond units. If this information is not available, use a value of 0 (zero) |
maximumworkingsetsize | Maximum working set size of the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages visible to the process in physical RAM. |
memorypercent | Average percent memory usage by the process (with shared memory, equivalent to WorkingSet in TaskManager) |
minimumworkingsetsize | Minimum working set size of the process. The working set of a process is the set of memory pages visible to the process in physical RAM. |
name | Name of the executable file responsible for the process, equivalent to the Image Name property in Task Manager. |
oscreationclassname | It is always Win32_OperatingSystem. |
osname | Name of the scoping operating system. |
otheroperationcount | Number of I/O operations performed that are not read or write operations. |
othertransfercount | Amount of data transferred during operations that are not read or write operations. |
pagefaults | Number of page faults that a process generates. |
pagefileusage | Amount of page file space that a process is using currently. This value is consistent with the VMSize value in TaskMgr.exe. |
parentprocessid | Unique identifier of the process that creates a process. |
peakpagefileusage | Maximum amount of page file space used during the life of a process. |
peakvirtualsize | Maximum virtual address space a process uses at any one time. Using virtual address space does not necessarily imply corresponding use of either disk or main memory pages. |
peakworkingsetsize | Peak working set size of a process. |
priority | Scheduling priority of a process within an operating system. |
privatepagecount | Current number of pages allocated that are only accessible to the process represented by this Win32_Process instance. |
processid | Numeric identifier used to distinguish one process from another. |
quotanonpagedpoolusage | Quota amount of nonpaged pool usage for a process. |
quotapagedpoolusage | Quota amount of paged pool usage for a process. |
quotapeaknonpagedpoolusage | Peak quota amount of nonpaged pool usage for a process. |
quotapeakpagedpoolusage | Peak quota amount of paged pool usage for a process. |
readoperationcount | Number of read operations performed. |
readtransfercount | Amount of data read. |
sessionid | Unique identifier that an operating system generates when a session is created. A session spans a period of time from logon until logoff from a specific system. |
sid | The security identifier descriptor for the owner of this process. |
status | State of a process ('running' or 'not running') |
terminationdate | Process was stopped or terminated. To get the termination time, a handle to the process must be held open. Otherwise, this property returns NULL. |
threadcount | Number of active threads in a process. |
user | The user name of the owner of this process. |
usermodetime | Time in user mode, in 100 nanosecond units. If this information is not available, use a value of 0 (zero). |
virtualsize | Current size of the virtual address space that a process is using, not the physical or virtual memory actually used by the process. |
windowsversion | Version of Windows in which the process is running. |
wmi_object | Native WMI Object represented by the process. |
workingsetsize | Amount of memory in bytes that a process needs to execute efficiently—for an operating system that uses page-based memory management. |
writeoperationcount | Number of write operations performed. |
writetransfercount | Amount of data written. |
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.