
This is a Spree to Vue Storefront (https://github.com/DivanteLtd/vue-storefront) bridge

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Intermediary layer for importing Spree catalogue and interacting with Spree. Placed between Spree and vue-storefront-api.

Instructions For Using Spree2VS During Development Using Docker

Ports used

  • 8889

Daily Development

  1. Run ./docker-bin/start.sh. This starts the Docker container but does not run any server or process. It's up to the developer to decide which scripts to run. Logs can be accessed with docker-compose logs -f.
  2. Run the following commands:
  3. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh yarn install installs npm modules.
  4. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh yarn watch starts a Webpack server which continuously rebuilds the project from source files.
  5. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh ./dist/index.js remove-everything clears catalog in Elastic Search.
  6. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh ./dist/index.js create-indices adds type mappings to ES columns.
  7. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh yarn import:all imports products, attributes and categories from Spree to the ES catalog. In production mode, this script runs as a cron job in intervals.
  8. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh yarn server starts a Node server which allows cart, order and account management in Spree when using Vue Storefront.
  9. Make changes in files.
  10. Run ./docker-bin/stop.sh.

All Available Docker Development Scripts

./docker-bin/start.sh - Starts the development environment. Joins a Docker network called spree_vue_storefront_shared_development_network. yarn server, when running, is available at localhost:8889. ./docker-bin/spree2vs.sh - Runs any interactive command inside the Spree Docker container. Examples:

  • ./docker-bin/spree.sh yarn install installs npm modules.
  • ./docker-bin/spree.sh /bin/bash will open an interactive shell inside the Docker Spree container.

./docker-bin/stop.sh - Stops all servers but doesn't remove them. This script can be used to free up system resources for a time. Run ./docker-bin/start.sh later to unpause the servers.

./docker-bin/remove.sh - Stops all servers and removes them.


Important: Running the project in Docker without using Docker Compose will remove the Elastic Search index used for spree2vs. To override this behavior, run the Docker image with a different CMD than the default.

Create a .env file based on .env.sample.

Using Docker:

docker build spark-solutions/spree2vs .
docker run --env-file .env spark-solutions/spree2vs

Note: When the SERVER_PORT env is unavailable, PORT is used instead.

The production image runs two processes simultaneously:

  1. A HTTP server for handling user management (cart, order, etc.). It's restarted automatically on critical errors.
  2. Scheduler which regularly imports the Spree catalog.