
Vue Storefront - PWA for eCommerce - Integration with Spree platform. Early stage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Vue Storefront integration easy as 1-2-3

Vue Storefront is platform agnostic which means it can be connected to virtually any CMS. Currently we do officially support:

  • Magento2 via mage2vuestorefront + vue-storefront-api data bridge,
  • Magento1 via magento1-vsbrdige data bridge.
  • Limited: Pimcore via coreshop-vsbrdige data bridge,

In this repository You can find materials that will let You integrate any other 3rd party platform or bespoke e-Commerce backend with the Vue Storefront.

Three steps of integration

  • Layer A Vue Storefront uses Elastic Search as backend for all catalog operations. It stores products, categories, attributes and tax-rules in the ES and fetch data from it using vue-storefront-api project.

  • Layer B The second layer are so called dynamic calls that are used to synchronize shopping carts, promotion rules, user accounts etc.

However, vue-storefront-api was initially meant to support all kind of requests (and it's supporting them for Magento2 currently) - we found that's much easier to create a dedicated api which provides the same data formats like vue-storefront-api around Your platform of choice, than adding very customized data adapters in the vue-storefront-api itself.

That means that creating the Vue Storefront integration basically is divided into 3 main steps:

  1. You exposes the API around Your platform of choice regarding our spec. In fact it's a vue-storefront-api endpoints specification. Having such an API - Vue Storefront will be able to speak directly with Your platform as a backend Layer B.

  2. You need to use node-app application to import the data from the freshly created API endpoints to the Elastic Search Layer A.

  3. Then You just need to point vue-storefront application to newly created endpoints.

Step 1: How to expose the API around Your platform

You may take a look how we did it for the Magento1. It was a bunch of additional Magento1 api methods we created to fullfill the API specification. You can create a separate nodejs/php/rails/whatever app if Your platform doesn't exposes the required API and just fullfill the spec.

Step 2: How to use node-app

Then, having the API in place You're to do the Layer A integration. Which means - to fill the ElasticSearch with products, categories, attributes and taxrules data.

You can use our boilerplate node-app which is compilant with the data formats specified above. This is a consumer application that's responsible for synchronizing the Magento1 data with the ElasticSearch instance.

This tool requires an ElasticSearch instance up and running. The simplest way to have one is to install vue-storefront and vue-storefront-api and run docker-compose up inside vue-storefront-api installation as the project contains Docker file for Vue Storefront.

Then you need to modify the configs:

cd node-app/src
cp config.example.json config.json
nano config.json

In the config file please setup the following variables:

  • auth section to setup user login and password - these values will be used to generate the JWT token used to authorize the requests against Your API
  • 'endpoints' should match the public URLs of Your API corresponding methos (for auth, products, categories, taxrule and attributes)
  • elasticsearch.indexName - should be set to Your ElasticSearch index which then will be connected to the Vue Storefront. It can be fresh / non-existient index as well (will be created then). For example You may have: vue_storefront_mangento1

Available commands

The bridge works on temporary, versioned ES indexes. You decide when the index should be published (when all data objects are properly set).

Create new version of index (for example: vue_storefront_mangento1_1):

node index.js new

Index data:

node index.js attributes
node index.js taxrules
node index.js categories
node index.js products

Publish new version of index (creates an alias with prod. name of the index: vue_storefront_magento1_1 -> vue_storefront_magento1):

node index.js publish

Congratulations! After this step You should have got the ES index synchronized with Your custom platform!

Step 3: How to configure vue-storefront

All You need to do is to set the proper API endpoints in the config/local.json. Here You have the details.

Please note that You still need to use the vue-storefront-api for accessing the ElasticSearch / do the server side tax callculation etc.


This is MIT project so it's ... just AS IS :) However, if You're planing to add the new platform to the Vue Storefront ecosystem and publish it freely as an open source - we'll do our best to support You!

Please feel free to contact the core team at Vue Storefront Forum, on Slack channel or via contributors@vuestorefront.io