README File for Excel Data Compilation Script


This Python script processes a series of Excel files in a specified directory, extracting and compiling data into a CSV file. It also generates a detailed log file in CSV format, capturing various information and error messages encountered during the data extraction process.

Setting Up the Environment

  1. Create a Virtual Environment (Recommended):

    • Navigate to your project directory in the terminal.
    • Run python -m venv venv to create a virtual environment named venv.
    • Activate the virtual environment:
      • Windows: .\venv\Scripts\activate
      • macOS/Linux: source venv/bin/activate
  2. Install Required Libraries:

    • Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required libraries.

Running the Script

  • Place the script in your project directory.
  • Ensure the Excel files to be processed are in a directory named submissoes in the same location as the script.
  • Run the script using python

Log File Explanation

  • The script generates a log file named log_file.csv.
  • The log file contains entries for various events and errors encountered during processing, such as:
    • Missing or empty sheets in the Excel files.
    • Invalid data, such as out-of-range values in specific columns.
    • File read errors or other exceptions.
  • Each entry in the log file includes a timestamp, file name, school name (if applicable), error type (INFO/WARN/ERROR), and a descriptive message.

Compiled Data File

  • The compiled data is saved in a file named paper_prepare.csv.
  • The data from different sheets of each Excel file is combined into this single CSV file, with appropriate headers and formatting.