School Name Grouping Script


This Python script is designed to process a list of school names, normalize and preprocess them for uniformity, and then group similar names together. It's particularly useful for handling variations in school names due to different formats or abbreviations.


  • Preprocessing: Standardizes school names by replacing common abbreviations and terms.
  • Normalization: Converts all names to lowercase for consistency.
  • Grouping: Identifies and groups similar school names based on a similarity threshold.
  • CSV Output: Outputs the results in a CSV file for easy review and analysis.


No additional installation is required beyond a standard Python environment. The script uses built-in libraries: difflib and csv.


  1. Prepare Your Data: Create a text file named school_names.txt with one school name per line.
  2. Run the Script: Execute the script in a Python environment.
  3. Review Output: Check the generated CSV file grouped_schools.csv for the grouped school names.


  • To tailor the script to your specific needs, you can modify the replacements dictionary in the preprocess_name function with any additional terms or abbreviations relevant to your dataset.
  • The similarity threshold for grouping similar names is currently set to a default value (0.8). Adjust this threshold in the group_school_names function as per your requirement for more or less strict grouping.