
Base functionality for Node projects.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package provides base functionality for ES6 Node projects.


npm install --save git+https://github.com/pmarrapese/node-boilerplate



The App class provides bootstrapping and logging functionality. To use, extend the App class and implement an entry point function named run. Additionally, you may define before and after functions to run immediately before or after run. All functions may be regular functions or a generator functions (useful for yielding promises).


Parameter Description
[options] {object} Application options
[options.isDebugging] {boolean} Whether to enable debugging (default: false)

Initialize the application.


Log a message.


If debugging is enabled, log a message.


Log a message and terminate the process.


The following is a simple application that will retrieve the stats of the current working directory.

"use strict";

const App = require('@pmarrapese/node-boilerplate').App;
const FileSystem = require('fs');

class MyApp extends App {
  *run() {
    try {
      var stats = yield this.getStats(process.cwd());
    } catch (e) {
      this.die('stat failed:', e);

    this.log('stat result:', stats);

  getStats(path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      FileSystem.stat(path, (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res));

new MyApp();


The Config class provides JSON file parsing/writing and default configuration functionality. To use, instantiate the Config class with a source object or JSON file path. The instance will be the merged result of the provided configuration and the default configuration (if specified).


Parameter Description
[source] {object|string} Object or path to JSON file

Instantiate a configuration object from an object or JSON file.

By default, load config.json from the current working directory.


Parameter Description
[path] {string} Path to JSON file

Parse a JSON file.


Parameter Description
path {string} Path to config file

Resolve a configuration file path.

An absolute or relative path may be provided. Relative paths are relative to the current working directory.

  • If path is not provided, append the default config directory with the default config filename.
  • If path is provided and is suffixed with a path separator, assume path is a directory and append the default config filename.
  • In any other case, assume path is a path to a file.


Parameter Description
[path] {string} Path to JSON file

Write this object as a JSON file.

If path is not provided, write to the the file this object was initially loaded from.

defaultConfigDirectory (getter)

Return the default config directory. (default: current working directory) This may be overridden to influence the behavior of the constructor.

defaultConfigFilename (getter)

Return the default config filename. (default: config.json) This may be overridden to influence the behavior of the constructor.

defaultConfig (getter)

Return the default config object. (default: {}) This may be overridden to influence the behavior of the constructor.


Assuming the following config.json exists in the current working directory:

  "meow": "wow"
"use strict";

const Boilerplate = require('@pmarrapese/node-boilerplate');
const App = Boilerplate.App;
const Config = Boilerplate.Config;

class MyApp extends App {
  run() {
    let config = new MyConfig();

class MyConfig extends Config {
  get defaultConfig() {
    return {
      "foo": "bar"

new MyApp();

will result in the following output:

[00:47:12] MyConfig { meow: 'wow', foo: 'bar' }
