
A user-friendly Matlab app that imports, baselines, and peak fits Raman data for a wide variety of 2D materials (graphene, phosphorene, MoS2, WS2).


A user-friendly Matlab app that imports, baselines, and peak fits Raman data for a wide variety of 2D materials (graphene, phosphorene, MoS2, WS2).


  1. Place the 'MatsLab2D.mlapp' file in your current directory and run it.

  2. Follow the in-app instructions to import, baseline, and peak fit your Raman data.


  1. Error values for each fit value (location, intensity, and FWHM) can be seen after fitting by pressing the 'Errors' radio button.

  2. The specific peaks chosen here represent only the primary modes seen in the literature. A variety of other modes exist and can be customized by changing the 'MatsLab2d.mlapp' source code (Lines 109-136) or by using my 'Raman-Peak-Analysis-for-2D-Materials' repository.


  1. Graphene - Malard et al. 2009, Phys. Rep. 473:5.

  2. MoS2 - Ramana et al. 2008, Geochem. Trans. 9:8.

  3. Phosphorene - Brent et al. 2014 Chem. Comm. 50:13338.

  4. WS2 - Berkdemir et al. 2013 Sci. Rep. 3:1755.