
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


What Is It?

PyPulley is a cookiecutter template for quickly creating new Python packages or projects. By running a single shell command, you can have dependency management and Python version management in place, linting, formatting, and pre-commit hooks configured, and more.

PyPulley bundles its set of tools and frameworks in an opinionated fashion based on ease of use, performance, and general best practices. Many of these defaults can be changed as desired.

Sample PyPulley configuration options.

Table of Contents

Main Features

PyPulley installs all of the following development tools, packages, and frameworks. Alternatives are listed where applicable.

  • Python Versioning - pyenv

    PyPulley will prompt for a version of Python, then use pyenv to install said version. Version numbers can be given as major (e.g. 3), minor (3.12), patch (3.11.9), or simply latest for the most recent stable version of CPython.
  • Dependency Management - Poetry

    PyPulley prefers Poetry for dependency management in Python-only or Python-majority projects. Poetry's ability to easily create isolated virtual environments and track dependency requirements make it a fantastic choice for setting up new packages. Also included are poetry-dotenv-plugin, a small plugin for Poetry that makes environment variables easily accessible at runtime via a .env file, and creosote, a tool and pre-commit hook for identifying unused dependencies.
  • Linting - Ruff

    Ruff is a Python linter with the combined functionality of flake8, isort, pydocstyle, pyupgrade and several other Python tools, all while running orders of magnitude faster than any of them. Ruff is highly configurable as well, making it a flexible choice for any Python project. The full list of possible linting rules is available here.
  • Formatting - Ruff

    While black is by far the the most popular Python code formatter, PyPulley favors ruff's formatter for a couple reasons: its slightly increased (but still opinionated) configuration and for the few formatting decisions where it deviates from black. Overall, PyPulley agrees with the core premise of both black and ruff's formatter - consistency across a code base allows everyone to focus on more important matters than which manually-formatted choice is prettier. Note that black is still available as a configuration choice when using PyPulley.
  • Unit Testing - pytest

    pytest - Despite unittest coming included in the standard library, PyPulley believes pytest offers more concise, readable, and reusable tests. Throw in a couple plugins like pytest-mock and pytest-cov for mocking and coverage analysis respectively, and pytest is an extremely powerful testing framework.
  • Version Control - git and pre-commit

    The overwhelmingly popular choice for version control. PyPulley initializes new projects as git repositories and includes a set of default pre-commit hooks as well.
  • Documentation - Sphinx

    Quoting its own tag line, Sphinx makes it easy to create intelligent and beautiful documentation. PyPulley comes with an optional Sphinx skeleton to enable quick HTML or Markdown documentation, as well as the autodoc extension configured to automatically pull out function docstrings into documentation.
  • Publishing - Poetry

    Poetry comes back with functionality to version packages, build them from a pyproject.toml file (the yet-unofficial successor to setup.py), and publish them to PyPI or other indexes.


The first prerequisite for PyPulley is having pyenv installed for Python version management.

Most of the time pyenv can be installed via either:

  • Automatic Installer:
    curl https://pyenv.run | bash
  • Homebrew (Mac OS X):
    brew update
    brew install pyenv

See pyenv's Suggested Build Environment if you encounter any problems. Note that on Windows, pyenv (and therefore PyPulley) is only supported through Windows Subsystem for Linux.

Next, install cookiecutter via pip:

pip install cookiecutter


Simply run the PyPulley cookiecutter and configure your package by selecting your desired options:

cookiecutter gh:pmason314/pypulley

Sample end-to-end usage of the PyPulley template to create a new Python project.

Running the above command will create your Python package with a file structure resembling the following:

|── my_python_package ........... Source code folder
|   |── main.py ................. Sample source code file
|   └── __init__.py ............. Init file marking the package as a Python module
|── tests ....................... Unit test folder
|   └── test_placeholder.py ..... Sample pytest unit test, preconfigured and runnable with the `pytest` command
|── docs ........................ (Optional) Sphinx documentation folder where all auto-generated docs are stored
|   |── conf.py ................. (Optional) Sphinx configuration file
|   └── index.rst ............... (Optional) Sphinx template for the main (home) documentation page
|── README.md ................... Package overview with installation and usage instructions for developers
|── LICENSE ..................... Open Source license file, if applicable
|── pyproject.toml .............. Package configuration file, also used for dependency setting configuration
|── poetry.lock ................. Lock file (list of dependencies and corresponding versions) for the Poetry dependency manager
|── .pre-commit-config.yaml ..... Set of git pre-commit hooks
|── .gitignore .................. List of files or file patterns that should not be version-controlled
|── .python-version ............. Pyenv setting file for recognizing the minimum version of Python this package requires
└── .env.example ................ Sample file for setting environment variables that get picked up by Poetry

Reference Guide

Now you're ready to go! Below are some selected commands and options from the default set of tools that may be useful.


MIT License