
A service that analyses and extracts information from text and html documents

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Build Status codecov

TAS (text analysis service) is the application that is used by the TopicAxis API to extract information from plain text or html.


Download the source code and install the latest stable version using pip. Text analysis service requires Python 3. It has been tested on Python 3.5 however it should run of other versions of Python 3.

git clone https://github.com/pmatigakis/text-analysis-service.git
cd text-analysis-service
git fetch --all
git checkout master
pip install -r requirements.txt .

You will have to download some NLTK data.

python -m nltk.downloader "punkt"
python -m nltk.downloader "averaged_perceptron_tagger"
python -m nltk.downloader "maxent_ne_chunker"
python -m nltk.downloader "words"


A settings.py file is required in the folder where the text analysis service server will start. See the example settings file in the configuration folder for information about what configuration settings are available. Most of the configuration variables in the example settings file can be modified using environment variables. Rename configuration/.env.template to configuration/.env and change what is required.


Go into the folder where the settings file exists and start the text analysis service server.

tas-cli server

Analysing text

For the moment only analysis of html documents is supported. The html analysis endpoint is available at http://<HOST>:<PORT>/api/v2/process/html. To process the contents of a web page execute a POST request with the following payload.

    "url": "http://the-page-url.com",
    "html": "the web page html goes here...",
    "headers": {
        "header-name": "add the headers of the response in this dictionary"

The response is a json document with the analysis results.