
Jurassic Park API

Primary LanguageGo

Jurrasic Park API

Jurrasic Park API allows to keep track of different cages around the park and dinosaurs in the them.

API specification

The OpenAPI specification for the API can be found in api/spec.yaml.

API Reference

The generated API reference is available at https://jurassicpark.readme.io/reference

Creating and initializing the database

Run the following statements to create a service account and a database for the API:

CREATE DATABASE jurassic OWNER jurassic;

Running the API

The address and port for the API can be set via addr flag or JURASSIC_ADDR environment variable. By default the API will listen on :9001.

The DB connection string should be passed via JURASSIC_DB_CONN environment variable.

To run the API with API key authentication enabled, the key should be set via JURASSIC_API_KEY environment variable.

To set the base URI for the API either pass it via base-uri flag or set JURASSIC_BASE_URI environment variable.

Try it out

Add a new cage:

curl --request POST \
     --url http://localhost:9001/cages \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{"capacity": 10, "status":"active"}'

List all cages:

curl --request GET \
     --url http://localhost:9001/cages \
     --header 'accept: application/json'

See more examples in the documentation.

Local development


To install development dependencies run:

make dev

DB Migrations

All changes to the DB schema have to be done via migrations. To create a new migration run:

migrate create -ext sql -dir db/migrations -seq <migration_name>

Manually migrate up:

migrate -source file://db/migrations -database "$JURASSIC_DB_CONN" up

Manually migrate down:

migrate -source file://db/migrations -database "$JURASSIC_DB_CONN" down


To run unit tests:

make test-unit

To run integration tests:

In order to run integration tests you need to create a separate database (e.g. jurassic_test) and optionally a service account (e.g. jurassic_test). To pass a connection string for the test database you can use JURASSIC_TEST_DB_CONN environment variable.

To run integration tests:

make test-integration

Running API locally

If you have a local PostgreSQL instance with provisioned service account and the database:

make run

Using docker-compose:

docker-compose up