Picbit is a javascript image processing experiment. This can be used to give you some ideas on how to use the HTML 5 Canvas element to process images in real time and run basic filters.
Online here: http://pmav.eu/stuff/picbit/
- Random Button
- Redraw Button
- Time stats
- Form descriptions
- Pixel Aggregation - First and last
- Palette: original 4, 8, 16
- Add CMC l:c
- Fix places with negative square roots
- Drop PHP
- Sources/links section
- Show palette
- New palettes
- Add option to reduce palette first, then pixelate, and vice-versa
- Palette cache for original 4, 8, 16
- Color mapping: reduce image to N colors and map them to a N color palette (Fake Color 1)
- Imgur export
- Add CIEDE2000 function
- Palette sorting by hue
- Combination count
- Manhattan distance
- Canberra distance
- Bray-Curtis distance
- Chebyshev distance
- More palettes
- Web Workers support
- Create images for example section
- New Pixel Aggregation - Mode: Sort colors by hue, http://jsfiddle.net/bg17sa9b/
- Dithering: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floyd–Steinberg_dithering
- Image kernels: http://setosa.io/ev/image-kernels/