
A shell wrapper that offers help usage and available commands.

Primary LanguageShell


A shell wrapper that offers help usage and available commands. Provides for a consistent interface for all your scripts. Works with any scripting language (bash, ruby, python, groovy, etc.). Even comes with tab auto-completion on available commands!


[me@linux ~]$ rap help
  rap <command> <arg1> <arg2> ...
  rap help <command>
  rap help all
  rap cat <command>
Available commands:
  exportData            (sh)      Exports some data as comma-delimited
  grepLogs              (sh)      Runs the log grepper job
[me@linux ~]$ rap help exportData
  rap exportData <numRows>
  rap exportData 100
  Exports some data as comma-delimited


  1. Make your own scripts
  2. Zip them up and deploy to a Linux server
  3. Run these commands
mkdir -p ~/bin
cp rap-scripts.zip ~/
cp rap.sh ~/bin/rap
chmod 755 ~/bin/rap


  • Description is the first line in the script file as a commented line.
  • Usage argument names are the second line in the script file as a commented line.
  • Example arguments go on the third line of the script file as a commented line.
  • You may choose to wrap (parentheses) around optional arguments.


  • Put properties files and things you don't want listed as a command in a subfolder with prefix underscore '_'.
  • Categorize your scripts into sub-folders and it will only show those commands if you run rap help all.
  • Obviously, it doesn't need to be called "rap". You can invoke your packaged commands with a different prefix!