
A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for detect if an element is above below or in the viewport of the browser

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for detect if an element is above below or in the viewport of the browser


Include script after the jQuery library (unless you are packaging scripts somehow else):

html <script src="/path/to/jquery.vp.js"></script>

Do not include the script directly from GitHub (http://raw.github.com/...). GitHub is not a CDN.


There are two options

  • triggerOnLoad: if true the event will fire also on load [default:false] (bool)
  • offset: after how many pixel the event is fired 0 is right in the moment the element became not visibile anymore [default:0] (int)
	triggerOnLoad: false,
	offset: 10

After configuration you can use the 3 events:

  • aboveViewPort
  • belowViewPort
  • inViewPort

For example like so:

$("#element").on("aboveViewPort belowViewPort", function () {
	alert("out of view port");

The plugin has also e convenient method called scrollInView for brin an element in the viewport. An example would be:

$("#btn").on("click",function() {
        offset: "center",
        speed: 1000,
        callback: function() {

There are three options

  • offset: could be center (as string) or any integer number which defines how much farway from the top the element should stop[default:0] (int)
  • speed: the speed of the animation in milliseconds[default:100] (int)
  • easing: the type of animation as defined in the animation method of jQuery[default:swing] (string)

See it in action and hack it here


Pachito Marco Calabrese - pm.calabrese@gmail.com