A Package Manager for Delphi

Primary LanguagePascalApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

DPM - A package manager for Delphi

Introducing DPM

DPM is an open-source package/library manager for Delphi XE2 or later. It is heavily influenced by NuGet, so the cli, docs etc will seem very familiar to NuGet users. Delphi's development environment is quite different from .net, and has different challenges to overcome, so whilst we were influenced by NuGet, DPM is not identical to NuGet. We also took a close look at many other package managers for other development eco-systems.

What is a Package Manager

A package manager provides a standard for developers to share and consume code. Authors create packages that other developers can consume. The package manager provides a simple way to automate the installation, upgrading or removal of packages. This streamlines the development process, allowing developers to get up and running on a project quickly, without needing to understand the (usually ad-hoc) way the project or organization has structured their third party libraries. This also translates into simpler build/CI processes, with less 'compiles on my machine' style issues.

Who and Why

DPM's initial developer is Vincent Parrett (DUnitX, FinalBuilder, Continua CI). Why is discussed in this blog post.

DPM Status

DPM is still in development, so not all functionality is ready yet. At this time, it's at the stage where we are encouraging library authors to take a look and play with it and provide feedback (and perhaps get involved in the development). It's very much at a minimum viable product stage.

What works

  • Creating packages
  • Installing packages, including dependencies
  • Restoring packages, including dependencies.
  • Pushing packages to a package source.

How do I use it

See getting started.

The command line documentation can be found here.

Is DPM integrated into the Delphi IDE

Not yet but it is planned. If you are a wiz with the open tools api and want to contribute then let us know.

Is there a central package source

Not yet but it is planned. At the moment, only local folder based sources are supported. The client code architecture has a provision for HTTP based sources in the future, however right now we are focused on nailing down the package format, dependency resolution, installation, updating packages etc.

Is my old version of Delphi supported

Maybe, see here for supported compiler versions. All target platforms for supported compiler versions are supported.

What about C++ Builder or FPC

see here

Does it support design-time components

Not yet, but that is being worked on.

How does it work

See this page

Can I help

Yep, see Contributing to DPM.