
Workshop 1 for the Personal Website Hackathon @ Insper

##Workshop 1: Getting Set Up ####Git and Github Create an account on Github and follow the steps under Setting Up Git if you don't have Git on your computer already. Come talk to me if you have not used Git before.

####Github Pages Creating your very own github pages site!

  • Create a new repository on Github. You can do this by clicking the little plus in the top right hand corner of the github website.
  • Name this repository username.github.io, where username is your username on github. Check the box to initialize with a README.

####Where Do You Want to Code There are two options that will work really well for this hackathon:

  1. If you want to, you can create and edit your personal website on the github website. Once you have created your website, you can click the plus botton to the right of your repository name to create a new file. Then you can click on the file name and edit it at any point by clicking the little pen icon in the top right corner of the file. To save a file, just commit to master at the bottom of the webpage.
  2. Alternatively, if you are comfortable with a text editor (Sublime Text or similar) and the using Git on the commandline, you can use a text editor to create your files and then push them to Github to make your website.

We can help you with either option! Just ask :)

####Looking at Your Website While Developing After you commit the changes you are making on your text editor or in the github editor, you will be able to navigte to username.github.io in your browser and see what your website looks like.

If you are developing with a text editor and the command line, you can use [python's simple HTTP server}(http://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tech-tip-really-simple-http-server-python) to serve your website so you don't need to commit and push every time to see your changes. Let me know if you have questions about useing this.

####HTML basics To get started with your personal website, you need to make an HTML page. HTML is like the skeleton of your website. It lets you add stuff like words and images of cats and maybe even do a little formating. Now to make one for yourself!

  • Create a new file in your editor. Save that file as index.html.
  • Copy and paste the text under index.html below into your index.html file. This is a starting template that you can use to build the HTML of your website.
  • Each of the words in between <> are a type of element. When the name of an element like head is inside brackets like <head>, that is called a tag.
  • If you want to know more about basic HTML stucture and tags as you work on the hackathon this weekend, this link and the following pages are a good place to start.
  • The important tag for creating your website in this workshop is the <body> tag.


<!doctype html>

HTML tags are opened when you type <body> and closed when you type </body>. All the text between those two tags will be classified as the element you selected when you made the tag. Now let's see how that works!

To start working with HTML, there are a few useful elements that you need to know. Cut and paste each of these elements into the body of your index.html to try them out:

Element Discription
<h1>I am a large header!</h1> Any text that is surrounded with h1 elements will show up on your website as large bold text.
<h3>I am a large header!</h3> Any text that is surrounded with h3 elements will show up on your website as slightly smaller bold heading text. See what happens if you make more headers with <h5> or <h6> tags.
<p>I'm a paragraph of text</p> Any text that is surrounded with p elements will show up on your website as a paragraph of text.
<a href="https://github.com/">Click me!</a> This tag is called anchor, it creates a clickable link to another web page. Try changing the link.
<img src="http://www.shareably.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/unique_cat_fur_1.jpg"> This will add an image of a cat to your web page. You can replace the source with a link to any photo on the web. You can also add a photo to your website directory on your computer and replace the current src with src="yourphoto.jpg".

Now save your index.html page in sublime text, go to your browser, and refresh localhost:8000 to see your work.

Wow! So beautiful! Feel free to play with this a little bit.

There are many more elements avaliable in HTML, but these are the basics you should need to make a personal website. To learn more, there are lots of free courses and references on the web. I would recommend Codecademy for interactive learning and HTMLDog for reference. But there are literally thousands of good options. Both of these resources can also help you learn CSS, which I will go over breifly below!

####CSS basics CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is the magic tool that allows you to turn your website into something that looks like more than some text and images.

Basic CSS Template

selector {
    property: value;
    property: value;

Selectors are how you select the HTML element you are going to style. You can select elements by name (body) or you can give your HTML elements classes (.classname) or ids(#idname) and select a very specific HTML element to style.

Properties allow you to change the style of a part of the selected element like the font, font-size, or color. There are many properties that you can style.

Values are the styles that you give to each property, setting font to arial, for example.

Values are often units, like when you want to discribe the width of a photo.

Unit Discription
px Usually a single pixel on the client's screen (a line of width 1px is guaranteed to be "sharp and visible")
em Relative to the font-size of the element (0.5em is half of the current font-size)
rem Relative to the font-size of the or "root" element (0.5em is half of the root font-size)
% Percent of the parent element along the relevant dimension (horizontally or vertically)

Make a customize.css file and past the following body selector in to get started with CSS.


body {
    font: arial;
    font-size: 14px;
    color: red;

Now that you have created your CSS file, you need to link the CSS styles to the HTML in your webpage. This means that the styles you add in your CSS will be applied to your HTML.

Go back to your html file and inside the <head> element, add <link rel="stylesheet" href="customize.css">. Now if you save your HTML and refresh your browser tab, you should see the changes.

With this basic knowledge, you're ready to start playing around with CSS. Try using different slectors to play around with the properties of different types of html elements.

####Building your website Even if you're already a web design wizard, you will still need to come up with ideas for what you want to have on your web page, and discribe all of that information in HTML format.

  • What information do you want to display on your website?
  • How many pages do you want to have? Some ideas include: Portfolio/Projects, Resume, About me, etc.
  • What do you want the text on those pages to say?
  • What photos do you want on your webpage? Get those photos in your directory and then link them in your html.

####Filling in the Gaps This tutorial was meant to be basic, and the main goal was to enable you to use bootstrap to make your personal website with minimal confusion. Because we want to get you up and running as quickly as possible, there were a few gaps. Here are some suggusted tutorials to help with that.

  • Intro to sizing things and making layouts in CSS with the Box Model.
  • I reccomend Codecademy's HTML and CSS tutorial for their through explaination and projects about the Box Model.

####Extra Links That You Can Use To Play with Web Design Stuff