
GenericPropertyDescriptor cannot be cast to NumericPropertyDescriptor

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Java language - I'm using Eclipse Version: 2019-06 (4.12.0) Build id: 20190614-1200 (but i've the same problem with older version) and I've installed Eclipse PMD Plugin
PMD Team PMD UI Plugin 4.5.0.v20190630-0922 net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse

I can't set the properties of rule CommentSize because when try to set preferences in Eclipse IDE compares the following exception: cannot be cast to

If I continue the managing of the preferences I look at empty folder about "Properties" of rule "CommentSize".

I suppose tha the problem is for omany other rules (only those haven't got NumericPropertyDescriptor can show properties).

In Eclipse to access preferences I follow these steps:
1- Window -> Preferences -> PMD -> Rule Configuration
2- check "Use gloal rule management"
3- select with mouse click the line of rule "CommentSize"

The issue for me is significant because I would set custom size to check the comment in my source code.

Giulio Sangiacomo