The pmd-eclipse-plugin integrates the source code analyzer PMD into the Eclipse IDE
- 3
Add disable option in Preferences
#212 opened by RichMacDonald - 1
Rule Configuration Pref Page - PropertyDescriptor cannot be cast to Comparable
#191 opened by iwanttoeatsogogiverymuch - 6
- 6
2 Tests fail when build on os x
#161 opened by go2master - 0
Message not interpolated in "Show details..." dialog
#178 opened by harbulot - 0
Update PMD 7 Logo in eclipse pmd plugin
#122 opened by adangel - 0
Only support the last 4 eclipse releases
#172 opened by adangel - 0
Unable to connect to repository while download thymeleaf plugin in Spring tool suite
#175 opened by SandeepCreation - 0
- 7
Missing constraints in runtime Eclipse workspace (e.g., in Eclipse Modeling Tool since 2022-12 R)
#168 opened by maxkratz - 3
PMD Plugin runtime exception error as net.sourceforge.pmd.PMDException: Error while parsing
#167 opened by nagadheerajb - 2
Duplicate entries in reports
#109 opened by fakiliarda - 5
Running the project
#160 opened by alikunda - 2
Relative Path to Subset
#147 opened by numeralnathan - 3
Error executing command ReviewCode: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal/unsupported escape sequence near index (part 2)
#159 opened by hbrands - 2
- 5
Error executing command ReviewCode: java.util.regex.PatternSyntaxException: Illegal/unsupported escape sequence near index
#150 opened by hbrands - 5
Eclipse nearly-consistently crashes on startup when workspace contains PMD enabled projects
#148 opened by krallus - 0
Not properly disposed SWT resource
#153 opened by adangel - 0
Custom Rules Written in Java
#151 opened by numeralnathan - 1
Updates with outdated certificates from orbit
#133 opened by 2019-05-10 - 5
- 5
CPD find suspect cut and paste not work
#141 opened by wangsirufen - 0
Use gh pages for update site
#140 opened by adangel - 0
Ui freeze then crash
#139 opened by apupier - 0
incorrect detection of missing comment
#138 opened by KristofSzabados - 1
'ReviewCode' has encountered a problem
#136 opened by it-amosho - 1
The ControlStatementBraces rule throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: can't parse argument number
#130 opened by zooltech - 0
Conflict with Jaspersoft Studio plugin (log4j)
#131 opened by rdicroce - 2
Couldn't find logback. PMD logging is not available
#129 opened by adangel - 5
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.slf4j.log4j,1.7.2.v20130115-1340
#124 opened by RBDurgin - 4
NoSuchMethodError SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy.setMaxFileSize(Ljava/lang/String;)V
#125 opened by Ravynne - 5
- 2
- 6
Unable to create the selected preference page
#119 opened by andipabst - 3
Project properties: The currently displayed page contains invalid values
#117 opened by numeralnathan - 0
SWTError: No more handles
#116 opened by adangel - 0
Missing dependencies when installing
#115 opened by adangel - 0
NPE in PriorityDescriptorCache
#114 opened by adangel - 0
- 0
PMD markers should be removed on Project->Clean
#110 opened by sratz - 6
- 8
Impossible to install properly PMD Plug-in 4.4.1.v20190602-1719 within Eclipse 2018-12 (4.10.0) Build id : 20181214-0600
#104 opened by DanielLEVY25021961 - 0
"Handle high priority violations as Eclipse errors" - global setting is missing
#101 opened by bodvaru - 1
PMD not removing warnings after filter
#102 opened by pkrall520 - 3
- 0
Upgrade to PMD 6.13.0
#95 opened by adangel - 2
Release update site also suggests older version
#93 opened by adangel - 1
- 0
Upgrade to PMD 6.12.0
#89 opened by adangel