No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.slf4j.log4j,1.7.2.v20130115-1340
RBDurgin opened this issue · 5 comments
Plugin doesn't seem to be installing in the latest version of Eclipse 2020-06. Receive the following error when installing from either the snapshot update site:
An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=xxxxx_eclipse_java-2020-06_Eclipse.app_Contents_Eclipse, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.slf4j.log4j,1.7.2.v20130115-1340
OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.5
@RBDurgin Thanks for reporting.
I've just tried to reproduce this, but can't. I used the following steps:
- Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from
- Install pmd-eclipse-plugin via the market place (Help ➡️ Eclipse Marketplace ...)
Note, I'm using Linux....
I see, that I have a plugin org.slf4j.log4j installed now (it was not there before): SLF4J Log4j implemented over SLF4J 1.7.2.v20130115-1340 org.slf4j.log4j
I'll investigate further, why this is actually there - it should not be needed, since pmd-eclipse-plugin uses already slf4j directly (and should not need log4j anymore).
So, we import the package org.apache.log4j
This is resolved via the extra repository orbit
There are at least two different plugins, that provide the package org.apache.log4j
: "Apache Jakarta log4j Plug-in" and "SLF4J Log4j implemented over SLF4J". Eclipse obviously chose the latter.
I don't remember the exact reason, why I left this requirement when finishing #112. I see a commit there -> 8cf5866
- Usage of Log4j is deprecated and is going to be removed. Logback via slf4j is replacing it.
Therefore the following methods/fields are deprecated for removal innet.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.runtime.preferences.IPreferences
I need to see, if there is a different solution than using orbit while still maintaining compatibility
I'm still have the fundamental problem, that I can't reproduce your exact case. Whatever I do, I would solve a different problem...
Do you have other plugins installed? Can you share your configuration? (Help ➡️ About Eclipse IDE ➡️ Installation Details ➡️ Configuration ➡️ Copy to clipboard)
I digged a little bit into the problem, and it's most likely a general eclipse problem.
I've noticed, that the orbit site for kepler has been archived, so I updated it. But that's probably not the real issue, because I've noticed the same error sometimes for the correct site, too.
There are the following workarounds:
- Restart eclipse and try again. That helped for me. After restart, I've seen, that there are many more update sites in the preferences than before, so this points towards a concurrency issue.
- Remove the orbit repository from update sites, restart eclipse, add it manually again
and restart eclipse and then install PMD - Change the url in the update site (change from https to http or back, remove/add trailing slash, ...)
- see
The PR #126 will additionally include org.slf4j.log4j, so that this doesn't need to be downloaded from orbit anymore, which might already help.