
No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.slf4j.log4j,1.7.2.v20130115-1340

RBDurgin opened this issue · 5 comments

Plugin doesn't seem to be installing in the latest version of Eclipse 2020-06. Receive the following error when installing from either the snapshot update site:

An error occurred while collecting items to be installed session context was:(profile=xxxxx_eclipse_java-2020-06_Eclipse.app_Contents_Eclipse, phase=org.eclipse.equinox.internal.p2.engine.phases.Collect, operand=, action=). No repository found containing: osgi.bundle,org.slf4j.log4j,1.7.2.v20130115-1340

OS: MacOS Catalina 10.15.5

@RBDurgin Thanks for reporting.
I've just tried to reproduce this, but can't. I used the following steps:

Note, I'm using Linux....

I see, that I have a plugin org.slf4j.log4j installed now (it was not there before): SLF4J Log4j implemented over SLF4J 1.7.2.v20130115-1340 org.slf4j.log4j

I'll investigate further, why this is actually there - it should not be needed, since pmd-eclipse-plugin uses already slf4j directly (and should not need log4j anymore).

So, we import the package org.apache.log4j (see


This is resolved via the extra repository orbit

<repository-reference location="" enabled="true" />

There are at least two different plugins, that provide the package org.apache.log4j: "Apache Jakarta log4j Plug-in" and "SLF4J Log4j implemented over SLF4J". Eclipse obviously chose the latter.

I don't remember the exact reason, why I left this requirement when finishing #112. I see a commit there -> 8cf5866

  • Usage of Log4j is deprecated and is going to be removed. Logback via slf4j is replacing it.
    Therefore the following methods/fields are deprecated for removal in net.sourceforge.pmd.eclipse.runtime.preferences.IPreferences:
    • getLogLevel()
    • setLogLevel(Level)

I need to see, if there is a different solution than using orbit while still maintaining compatibility

I'm still have the fundamental problem, that I can't reproduce your exact case. Whatever I do, I would solve a different problem...

Do you have other plugins installed? Can you share your configuration? (Help ➡️ About Eclipse IDE ➡️ Installation Details ➡️ Configuration ➡️ Copy to clipboard)

Maybe related / similar: #120

I digged a little bit into the problem, and it's most likely a general eclipse problem.

I've noticed, that the orbit site for kepler has been archived, so I updated it. But that's probably not the real issue, because I've noticed the same error sometimes for the correct site, too.

There are the following workarounds:

The PR #126 will additionally include org.slf4j.log4j, so that this doesn't need to be downloaded from orbit anymore, which might already help.