
Case study to optimize observable-membrane performance.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Case study to optimize observable-membrane performance.

Getting started

import Membrane from 'fast-membrane';

const membrane = new Membrane({
    valueObserved(target, property) {
        console.log(`observed | ${property}`);
    valueMutated(target, property) {
        console.log(`mutated | ${property}`);

const obj = membrane.getProxy({
    x: 1,
    y: {
        z: 2

obj.x; // observed | x
obj.x = 1; // mutated | x

const y = obj.y; // observed | y
y.z; // observed | z
y.z = 3; // mutated | z

Performance Results

This repository contains 2 different implementations of the Membrane one using Symbols and another one using WeakMaps to keep track of the mapping between the Object and Reactive Proxy.

$ node dist/performance/standalone-get.js
testPlainObject: 72.088ms
testSimpleProxy: 545.140ms
testSymbolMembrane: 499.900ms
testWeakmapMembrane: 855.060ms

Implementation Notes

  • Assignment on Proxy are really expensive (10x slower than on standard objects)
  • Usage of Reflect.* APIs is way slower than direct object manipulation.
  • Usage of WeakMap and WeakSet has poor performance at runtime. Lookup is 5 to 10x slower than direct property access on the object, and also make GC pauses way longer. Because of this, all the WeakMaps replaced with Symbols assigned to the objects.
  • Dereferencing the standard object properties doesn't provide any runtime benefits once the function is optimized (eg. const { getPrototypeOf, getOwnPropertyDescriptor } = Object).
  • Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor is way 2x slower than direct property accessed.


yarn test           # Run test suite
yarn build          # Build and bundle the library
yarn performance    # Run performance benchmark