
A timetracking project for hourly workers. ReactJS, ExpressJS, PSQL

Primary LanguageCSS



A fullstack javscript app (expressjs/reactjs) for tracking timesheets for hourly employees.

View project description & demo

Basic install workflow

To set this up locally for yourself would require a few steps:

  • Install & configure postgreSQL
  • Clone this project.
  • Install at two locations:
    • root directory (For the clientside development package.json)
    • server directory: ./src/server (For the serverside development package.json)
  • Create .env file credentials (DB, API) -- See file "example-.env.file.txt" for instructions.
  • Run knex db migrations & seeding, and manually create sessions table for express-sessions
  • Compile frontend client with webpack configuration files
  • Run server ("npm run dev" -- see clientside package.json)

Frontend javascript frameworks (business logic, configuration, user interface):

Framework Purpose
ReactJS Main structure of frontend application logic, including user experience and backend communication
Redux Maintains frontend application state in centralized location
Webpack Bundles multiple project files and packages together into single files and transforms them for optimized browser experience
Babel Transpiles ReactJS components & css, configures javascript for targeted browser(s)

Frontend css frameworks (user interface design):

Framework Purpose
Sass An enhanced version of css, allowing for programmatic, extendible, compiled css (sass/scss)
Bulma A simple css frontend design and formatting framework
Bootstrap A responsive, sass framework (used with react-bootstrap-table)

Frontend REST API:

API Purpose
Google Maps Mapping employee system users (timesheet clockin/clockout)
Google Map address auto-complete Automatically completes geographical address information as user type (employee/user profile)
App's backend REST API Database communication including user authentication & business data CRUD

Important backend (NodeJS) packages include:

Package Purpose
NodeJS Underlying runtime environment which executes javascript server code
ExpressJS Minimalist server web application framework & REST API
bluebird Enhances asynchronous programming
csurf API communication validation & form security
bcrypt Oneway password encryption in user authentication system
express-session Temporarily stores user-related application information such as user permissions, application configuration, and application messages
KnexJS Interacts with PostgreSQL database to implment database connectivity & data retrieval in javascript
multer Uploads files

Other important project platforms:

Platform Purpose
PostgreSQL SQL Database
Nginx Web server software
Ubuntu Server Server operating system

For full list of dependencies, see:

Project ERD

(Generated with DbVis) Project ERD


I written any tests yet, but plan to. (REST API test examples: