ToneZone is a web application for listening to music and connecting with your peers and audience. I used SoundCloud as my main source of inspiration and built it using React.js, Redux, and Express/Sequelize.
- Integrated continuous playback using the react-h5-audio-player in conjunction with Wavesurfer.js
- Use of redux allows for data to be rendered correctly in real time and for currently playing song to be saved throughout renders on page
- Sign in/sign up with email/username
- Can upload/play/edit/delete audio tracks posted by other users or your own music
- Images and audio files can be loaded with tracks and will render on the page once uploaded
- Users can create, edit/delete their own tracks
- Users can create comments on tracks and delete them
- Users can search for songs and users
- AWS upload configured
- Discover page displays the most recent tracks uploaded by users
- Likes
- Tags
- Shares
- Follows
- Notifications