
This plugin sort the TVs to their categories and replace the default tv-section with a tabpane which includes the categories as tabs. As an additional feature, you can transform the sections content, template-variables and permissions to single tabs within the default tabpane.

Primary LanguageHTML


Since Evolution CMS 1.3.4 CategorizedTabs features were built-in into the system as "Group TV" system setting :)


Sort Template Variables to their categories and replace the default Template Variables section with categorized tabs. As an additional feature, you can transform the sections resource Content, Template Variables to single tabs within the default tabpane.



The switch "Categories Manager in use" depends on the "Categories Manager" module - https://github.com/pmfx/CategoriesManager That module gives you the possibility to manage and sort the EVO categories with bulk actions. Since EVO 1.2.2 Categories Manager is built-in into the system.


  • 2017-07-12 Fixed compatibility issues with new EVO dropdown theme (64j)
  • 2016-10-21 Minor text change regarding new EVO "Manage Categories" feature (pmfx)
  • 2016-10-16 Make plugin compatible with EVO install script (pmfx)
  • 2016-10-01 Now works with MultiTV (pmfx)
  • 2010-03-26 Original v0.3.2 release by stefan


Plugin originaly created by stefan https://modx.com/extras/author/stefan