Cloud Run Firewall Metadata

When running 3rd party components in a Cloud Run container there may be a requirement to prevent it accessing the container metadata service for security reasons ''.

This can be implemented using iptables, installing it as part of the Dockerfile and then adding the IP filter as part of a start-up script.

Note: It has to use the 2nd generation Cloud Run execution run-time, as the 1st gen is run in a sandbox that restricts access to certain Linux docker container capabilities.

This repo contains an example implementation. It can be built using Cloud build and deployed using Cloud Run

gcloud builds submit --tag$PROJECT_ID/dev-images/ip-filter

And then deployed into Cloud run:

gcloud run deploy ip-filter --image$PROJECT_ID/dev-images/ip-filter --platform managed --region europe-west2 --allow-unauthenticated --execution-environment gen2
