
Unit Testing Library for Umbraco CMS

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(formerly SAS.UmbracoUnitTesting)

NuGet release


In an attempt to match our Umbraco development to our other CMS development, I set off to understand what it would take to reliably unit test Umbraco. The attempt of this project is the reduce the headache it would take to unit test the cached Umbraco Objects (IPublishedContent, UmbracoHelper) which should lead to more often unit tested Umbraco projects.

Umbraco Versions

I hope to keep up with new Umbraco releases. I welcome additional branches ported to older Umbraco versions, but it is my intention to backport at last to 7.3.8.

We know this package works for Umbraco 7.4.0 - 7.4.3

As of 3/24/16 the project is using 7.4.2.

As of 6/1/16 the project is using 7.4.0.


The UmbracoUnitTest.TestWeb.Test project has examples of testing the simple code found in the UmbracoUnitTesting.TestWeb project. If you do not with to use the included helper or the future planned abstracted system, the examples should be a good starting point.


This is intended to cover 95% of the possible inputs and allow for overriding and mocking where possible. It is very possible it will be extended in the future, but hopefully in a backwards compatable way only.

This helper is stateless and will only aid in writing shorter code with less boiler plate.

UmbracoUnitTest Engine

###THIS FEATURE IS IN ALPHA. SUBJECT TO CHANGE AT ANY TIME Always create a new instance before each test and dispose after each test (see test project for examples)

UmbracoUnitTestEngine _unitTestEngine = new UmbracoUnitTestEngine();

The general pattern currently is to declate what is needed for the current test by using the With* methods.

For example, to set the current page during the test, use WithCurrentPage().


In many cases, important values such as names, aliases, or IDs will be automatically assigned either using AutoFixture, Random, or a Unique ID system which is not always being used (only content and media currently use it). Due to this, leaving such fields empty might benifit the test. (see test project for examples)

To add content for TypedContent or DynamicContent look ups, use WithPublishedContentPage(). A similar method exists for media: WithPublishedMedia();

In some cases (like when defining the CurrentPage object), the controller either needs to have values assigned or a safety check needs to be made. Use RegisterController at any time (before the non-test code is run) to make sure all controller based operations are considered. If the code doesn't involve a MVC Controller or API Controller, no registration is nessecary.

The engine SHOULD resolve all dependancies for items which are requested and allow for little to no boilerplate code.

This is a work in progress and community involvment is appreciated. Together we can cover every possible situation with grace and poise.


Nuget package is live! Currently maked as prerelease.

install-package SAS.Jakyl