
MongoDB CRUD ops from Java. Two access ways: MongoRepository (type safe) or MongoCollection (generic).

Primary LanguageJava

MongoDB: Demo Queries (from Java + MongoDB Shell)


  • Java
  • Maven
  • MongoDB (Server + MongoDB Shell client)

MongoDB Shell Queries

> show databases
> use mydb
> db.company.insertOne({name:"Amazon", marketCap:1600})
> db.company.find({marketCap:{$gt:1500}})
> db.company.updateOne({name:"Amazon"},{$set:{name:"Amazon Inc"}})
> db.company.deleteOne({name:"Amazon"})

SpringBoot Queries (Type-safe)

Access database using a fix document type.

First, define the data model as POJO:

public class Company {
  public String _id;
  private String name;
  // other members...

SpringBoot's MongoRepository allows to generate CRUD queries for you:

public interface CompanyRepository extends MongoRepository<Company, String> {}

MongoRepository offers a variety of query methods like eq, save, findAll, findById, delete.

Search for all existing companies:

CompanyRepository repository;

Java Queries (Generic Documents)

Access database in a generic fashion (no fixed data schema).

Java offers the low-level MongoCollection interface which works with arbitrary documents. Each document we read and write can have any number of fields.

Initialize MongoCollection:

MongoClient client = MongoClients.create();
MongoDatabase db = client.getDatabase("mydb");
MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("company");

Persist document:

Document google = new Document()
    .append("name", "Google")
    .append("marketCap", 1010);

Query document and inspect it:

List<Document> google = new ArrayList<>();
collection.find(eq("name", "Google")).into(google);