Żółta Biblioteczka (The Yellow Bookcase)

The frontend for Żółta Biblioteczka - a website for recommending books. It's written with the Angular framework. The corresponding backend service repository is available at https://github.com/pmiara/yellow-bookcase-backend.


Run the commands below in order to create your local setup:

mkdir yellow-bookcase
cd yellow-bookcase
git clone https://github.com/pmiara/yellow-bookcase-frontend
git clone https://github.com/pmiara/yellow-bookcase-backend
npm install concurrently
echo concurrently "cd yellow-bookcase-backend && npm run develop" "cd yellow-bookcase-frontend && ng serve" > ./run.sh
chmod +x ./run.sh

This will result in creating the following file structure:

├── run.sh
├── yellow-bookcase-backend
└── yellow-bookcase-frontend

Run the application by simply launching the run.sh file. The backend will be available at http://localhost:1337, and the frontend at http://localhost:4200. Initially, the website will look rather empty. You will have to add several books and bookshelves yourself.


Test files are placed next to the regular code files. They have to match *.spec.ts pattern in order to be found by a test runner.

Running tests:

ng test --browsers=ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox

Apart from passing all the tests, the application code has to comply with the rules checked by ESLint:

tsc --noEmit && eslint . --ext ts,json --quiet --fix

These two commands are run by the CI system (Travis) before deployment, or merges to the main branch.