Databowl VAPI PHP Client


This package contains a PHP library to communicate with the Databowl's VAPI service.


The recommended way to install databowl/databowl-vapi is through Composer.

composer require databowl/databowl-vapi


First create your client:

$configArray = [
    'privateKey' => '',
    'publicKey' => '',
$config = \Databowl\Vapi\ClientConfig::createFromArray($configArray);
$client = new \Databowl\Vapi\Client($config);

Then create your request and send it using the client:

$request = new \Databowl\Vapi\Validators\Hlr();
$result = $client->sendRequest($request);

Further examples are available in the ./examples folder.

Version History

This library has not yet been tagged for release.