Professor at Departamento de Fisica, FCEN, UBA, and researcher of CONICET, I am interested in computational fluid dynamics and turbulence
Universidad de Buenos Aires and CONICETBuenos Aires, Argentina
Pinned Repositories
GHOST (the Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence) is an accurate and highly scalable pseudospectral code that solves a variety of PDEs often encountered in studies of turbulent flows.
SPHERE (SPectral cHandrasEkhaR-kEndall spherical code) is an accurate research code to solve the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations inside spheres, using a purely spectral method.
PDE solver focused on Navier-Stokes (and related) equations with arbitrary boundary conditions, employing Fourier (FC-Gram) expansions. Parallelized using MPI-OpenMP-CUDA.
pmininni's Repositories
GHOST (the Geophysical High-Order Suite for Turbulence) is an accurate and highly scalable pseudospectral code that solves a variety of PDEs often encountered in studies of turbulent flows.
SPHERE (SPectral cHandrasEkhaR-kEndall spherical code) is an accurate research code to solve the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) equations inside spheres, using a purely spectral method.