
Dockerfiles for Windows containers

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

Dockerfiles for Windows containers

This repo contains my personal dockerfiles. They are made to solve specific problems i encountered.

Also, windows containers are fun since not a lot containers exist yet, it was a nice challenge to make them myself.

How to run.

First, build the containers you want.

docker build -t <tag> .

Second, since windows containers does not create the local folders upon running, you must create them yourself before you map them to a container.


docker run --restart=always \
    -d \
    -p 7878:7878 \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Config \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Downloads \


docker run --restart=always \
    -d \
    -p 8080:8080 \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Config \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Downloads \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Tv \


docker run --restart=always \
    -d \
    -p 7878:7878 \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Config \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Downloads \
    -v <local\path>:C:\Movies \


I haven't figured out how to keep Plex running inside the container.


These containers are made to just run and are not optimized yet for containersize. With the fall release of Windows Server 2016 (1709) and the new smaller Nanoserver containers i will try and convert them.

Also, the folders are mapped in a certain way so that SickRage and Radar can do proper download handeling and importing of downloaded movies and shows.


  • Convert all images where possible to nanoserver (upon release of ws2016 1709).
  • Change all Dockerfiles to define a default SHELL ["powershell", "-Command", "$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'; $ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue';"] where necessary.
  • Change SickRage container to use FROM python:2-windowsservercore.
  • Test multi-stage builds where possible. (nanoserver suposedly doesn't have the windows installer subsystem.)
  • Comment code with links to original source code.
  • Create docker-compose.yml with all images in them.