
Installs and Configures Kong

Primary LanguageJinja


This role installs and configures Kong.

Please refer to Kong documentation for further information on Routes, Services, Consumer and Plugins configuration.

Breaking Changes:

-  new `kong_route_config` variable introduced to decouple service and routes config previously in `kong_service_config`
-  structure of `kong_service_config` updated (Breaking change)

For the last version without breaking changes above please use tag v1.9


-  Support for v0.12.x and earlier deprecated and will be removed SOON!!

Install Kong

- hosts: konghost

    kong_version: 0.13.1
    kong_cassandra_host: <my_cassandra_ip_or_fqdn>
    ## OR for postgres backend
    ## kong_database: postgres
    ## kong_pg_host: <my_pg_ip_or_fqdn>

    - o2-priority.kong

Add/Update/Delete kong objects

- hosts: my-kong-host

    kong_version: 0.13.1
    kong_use_old_config_format: false

    #    SERVICES & ROUTES    #
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD/UPDATE service obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: service
        name: svcOne
        url: "https://service-upstream.ogonna.com/svcOne/api"
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD route obj for svcOne
      kong_task: route
        name: svcOneRoute1
        service: svcOne
        paths: [ "/svcOne" ]
        hosts: [ "og.com", "ab.com" ]
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD route obj for svcOne
      kong_task: route
        name: svcOneRoute2
        service: svcOne
        paths: [ "/svcOnePlus" ]
        methods: [ "GET", "POST", "PUT" ]
    - role: ansible-kong            ## DELETE service obj for svcThree
      kong_task: service
      kong_delete_service_obj: true
        name: svcThree
    #    UPSTREAM & TARGETS   #
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD/UPDATE upstream obj for svcOne upstream
      kong_task: upstream
        name: upstreamOne
        slots: 1000
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD target obj for upstreamOne
      kong_task: target
        upstream: upstreamOne
        target: targetOne
        weight: 200
    - role: ansible-kong            ## DELETE upstreamOne with all targets
      kong_task: upstream
      kong_delete_upstream_obj: true
        name: upstreamOne
    #    CONSUMERS    #
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD/UPDATE consumer obj for consumerOne
      kong_use_old_config_format: false
      kong_task: consumer
        username: consumerOne
        custom_id: con-1111
    - role: ansible-kong            ## DELETE consumer obj for consumerTwo
      kong_use_old_config_format: false
      kong_task: consumer
        username: consumerTwo
      kong_delete_consumer_obj: true
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD/UPDATE consumer obj for consumerThree with plugin configs
      kong_use_old_config_format: false
      kong_task: consumer
        username: consumerThree
        custom_id: con-3333
          - name: acl
              groups: [ svcOne-user-group ]
          - name: key-auth
              key: "e2f599f74fc4479681e6586a1e644768"
          - name: oauth2
              name: amazing-service
              client_id: AMAZING-CLIENT-ID
              client_secret: AMAZING-CLIENT-SECRET
              redirect_uri: http://amazing-domain/endpoint/
          - name: basic-auth
              username: smith
              password: bobSecret
          - name: hmac-auth
              username: james
          - name: jwt
              key:       "9efdde658a1b4b6e869d57d35dc8d7fb"
              secret:    "1bf8825a9f0e44a0bfb18f7dacf5c43f"
              algorithm: "HS256"
    #    PLUGINS     #
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD rate-limiting plugin obj (global)
      kong_task: plugin
        name: rate-limiting
        config: { minute: 50, hour: 500 }
      kong_delete_plugin_obj: false
    - role: ansible-kong            ## DELETE rate-limiting plugin obj for svcOne service and consumerOne consumer
      kong_task: plugin
        name: rate-limiting
        service: svcOne
        consumer: consumerOne
        config: { minute: 20, hour: 500 }
      kong_delete_plugin_obj: true
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD plugin obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: plugin
        name: oauth2
        service: svcOne
          enable_authorization_code: true
          scopes: "email,phone,address"
          mandatory_scope: true
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD plugin obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: plugin
        name: cors
        service: svcOne
          origins: "*"
          methods: "GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE"
          headers: "Accept, Accept-Version, Content-Length, Content-MD5, Content-Type, Date, X-Auth-Token, Access-Control-Allow-Origin, Authorization"
          exposed_headers: "X-Auth-Token"
          credentials: true
          max_age: 3600
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD plugin obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: plugin
        name: basic-auth
        service: svcOne
        config: { hide_credentials: true }
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD plugin obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: plugin
        name: key-auth
        service: svcOne
        config: { key_names: X-Api-Access-Key }
    - role: ansible-kong            ## ADD plugin obj for svcOne service
      kong_task: plugin
        name: acl
        service: svcOne
        config: { whitelist: "svcOne-user-group, another-user-group" }

Routes, Path Matching and ACLs

Kong uses different algorithms to calculate how to go from a Request -> Route -> Service -> Proxy Request. Currently we use v0 with strip_path=true for all Routes.

service.path route.path route.strip_path route.path_handling request path proxied path
/s /tv0/ true v0 /tv0/req /s/req

Most matching we do is via the Request Path, we typlically don't match based on host or method, therefore "a client request's path must be prefixed with one of the values of the paths attribute."

Reporting Service Routing Example

# request path route.path service.path proxied path
1 /reporting-service/realtime [/reporting-service, /reporting-service/realtime] /reporting-service/reporting /reporting-service/reporting
2 /reporting-service/personalcontent [/reporting-service, /reporting-service/realtime] /reporting-service/reporting /reporting-service/reporting/personalcontent
3 /reporting-service/realtime [/reporting-service, /realtime] /reporting-service/reporting /reporting-service/reporting/realtime
4 /reporting-service/restricted/realtime [/reporting-service [1], /reporting-service/restricted [2]] /reporting-service/reporting /reporting-service/reporting/realtime

Request #1:

  • /reporting-service/realtime matches 2nd Route path
  • Intermediary path is [/reporting-service/reporting][/reporting-service/realtime] (Service path + Request path)
  • strip_path=true so /reporting-service/realtime is removed (because this is the Route path which was matched) leaving /reporting-service/reporting as the proxied path

Request #2:

  • /reporting-service/personalcontent matches 1st Route path due to path matching rules
  • Intermediary path is [/reporting-service/reporting][/reporting-service/personalcontent]
  • strip_path=true so /reporting-service is removed leaving /reporting-service/reporting/personalcontent as the proxied path

Request #3:

  • /reporting-service/realtime matches 1st Route path - the request path must be prefixed with one of the values of the paths attribute
  • Intermediary path is [/reporting-service/reporting][/reporting-service/realtime]
  • strip_path=true so /reporting-service is removed leaving /reporting-service/reporting/realtime as the proxied path

Request #4:

  • /reporting-service/restricted/realtime matches 2nd Route path
  • Intermediary path is [/reporting-service/reporting][/reporting-service/restricted/realtime]
  • strip_path=true so /reporting-service/restricted is removed leaving /reporting-service/reporting/realtime as the proxied path
  • Different ACLs can be applied depending on Route matched [1] and [2]. See ACLs section below.


An ACL plugin can be applied to a Route, Service or Globally. The plugin precedence rules decide which plugin configuration to choose. Requests #3 and #4 above are matched by the 1st and 2nd Route paths respectively. Depending on which Route path is matched determines which ACLs are applied.

For example, in Request #3 /reporting-service was the matched Route path, therefore any ACL plugins which have been applied to this Route object will be applied.

With Request #4 /reporting-service/restricted was the matched path, therefore any ACL plugins associated with this Route object will be applied. Restricted ACL [2] is applied here.

Shortcutting Paths

All of the Routes configured for Services follow the pattern of having a catch-all Route path, e.g. /reporting-service. This allows any API requests to be mapped to an Upstream without any addition configuration.

For example, creating Upstream endpoints personalcontent or events/registration will allow requests /reporting-service/personalcontent and /reporting-service/events/registration without any addition Kong configuration.

However, if a separate Route is applying a different ACL to a particular path, then it needs to be excluded from the catch-all Route.


  • Route A -> paths [/reporting-service] (ACL 1 restrictions applied)
  • Route B -> paths [/reporting-service/restricted] (ACL 2 restrictions applied)
ACL 1 credentials -> request /reporting-service/realtime -> matches Route A -> Upstream /reporting-service/reporting/realtime
ACL 2 credentials -> request /reporting-service/restricted/realtime -> matches Route B -> Upstream /reporting-service/reporting/realtime

Because of Kong's strip_path functionality, both requests map correctly to the Upstream service. However, we don't want ACL 1 credentials access to be able to request /reporting-service/realtime, it should only be possible to request it via /reporting-service/restricted/realtime using ACL 2 credentials.

The workaround for this, counterintuitively, is to add the path you want to restrict to the Route you don't want it to access

  • Route A -> paths [/reporting-service, /reporting-service/realtime] (ACL 1 restrictions applied)

This shortcuts Kong's path matching and strip_path functionality to produce the following invalid route:

ACL 1 credentials -> request /reporting-service/realtime -> matches Route A -> Upstream /reporting-service/reporting


To run integration tests of this role

kitchen test --destroy=never && docker kill node0 node1 postgres && docker rm node0 node1 postgres

Note: --destroy=never must be supplied because two nodes are required to be running for all the tests to pass. The docker commands remove the left over containers for the next platform run.

Note: Docker-in-Docker doesn't work on Linux (AUFS 'already stacked' error). The Postgres container runs locally (i.e. Kitchen host) rather than from inside the container started by Kitchen.

