
A Craft CMS 3 + (Laravel Mix, TailwindCSS+purge, PostCss, AlpineJS, ESLint, AirBnb, Prettier) Boilerplate

Primary LanguageCSS

Craft CMS 3 + (Laravel Mix, TailwindCSS+purge, PostCss, AlpineJS, ESLint, AirBnb, Prettier)

A lightly opinionated Craft CMS setup. Used internally for projects.

See Tailwind CSS and AlpineJS for more details.

How to Install

  1. composer create-project danieladarve/craft-startup-kit
  2. Don't run ./craft setup, instead manually edit the .env file.
  3. Once the .env is filled in, run ./craft install

What is included?

Tailwind Configuration

Used a few plugins to speed up the development of common tasks such as styling typography, forms, aspect ratios.

CraftCMS Global Configuration

Added the following global generic fields

  • Head, Body & Footer
    • Scripts
      • Head Scripts
      • Body Scripts
      • Footer Scripts
    • Favicons
  • Site
    • Site Logo
    • Mobile URL Bar Colour
    • Cookie Consent

Useful Resources