
Simple Auction House Example

Primary LanguageSolidity

Modern Distributed Application Development

Fintech Project 3 - Building a web3 application using modern techniques.

Project Overview

Using a marketplace of ERC tokens as a guiding light, this project is a learning and building journey for how to setup, build, deploy and interact with a web3 application using modern development techniques.

Specifically, using solidity, ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 contracts were authored and deployed to a the rinkeby testnet. Additionally, a marketplace contract was deployed. Tokens were minted, and items were to be listed for sale on the marketplace. Lastly a primative javascript script and web view was proven out to be able to interact with the contracts.

Presentation slides

See setup and usage below for details on how to work with this repository.

See Technologies Used for details on technologies used to build, deploy, interact.

Technologies Used

  • Hardhat , development environment for compilation, testing, deploying, verifying contracts
  • Solidity , language for authoring smart contracts
  • Typescript , language for authoring deploy, test, view/interactive scripts
  • Alchemy , for hosting deployed app on testnet
  • Rinkeby , an ethereum testnet
  • Pinata , for hosting images of minted tokens/nfts
  • Etherscan , for viewing transactions/contracts on chain, also can interact if verified
  • React, for authoring web view
  • ethers.js , library for use in scripts/web to interact with contracts programatically
  • node.js, framework for managing local environment, and runtime for typescript/javaascript


You'll need node and yarn in order to work with this repo.

Install Node

Verify Installation, and install repo

## should output version of node
node --version

# enable yarn by enabling corepack
corepack enable

# cd into the repo and install via yarn:
yarn install

The repo should then be ready to run the various `npx` commands within.

.env file setup

To deploy to a testnet, interact with your wallet and or deployed contract(s), you must put in values into an .env file at the root of the repo. Some key values:

CONTRACT_ADDRESS="deployed_contract_address"  // used in the interact script only


Some key npx commands for working with hardhat:

# start up a local hardhat node with wallets and test ETH
npx hardhat node

# compile contracts
npx hardhat compile

# deploy to localhost node
npx hardhat run scripts/<deply_script> --network localhost  # or ropsten|rinkeby

# deploy to testnet
npx hardhat run scripts/<deply_script> --network ropsten|rinkeby

# run test(s)
npx hardhat run test/<name_of_test> --network localhost  # or ropsten|rinkeby

# verify contract on Etherscan
npx hardhat verify --network rinkeby|ropsten <DEPLOYED_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

# run react server/pages, runs on localhost:3000
npm start


Peter Morales
Shivangi Gupta
Rupika Ranjan
Jaime Aranda
David Lopez
