
A workaround for https://clojure.atlassian.net/browse/CLJ-2253

Primary LanguageClojureApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

main CI Dependencies
dev CI Dependencies

Latest Version Open Issues License


This library implements a workaround for CLJ-2253. Simply require (or use) this namespace before using slurp and you're done.


CLJ-2253 is available as a Maven artifact from Clojars.

Trying it Out

If you use the Clojure CLI tools:

$ clj -Sdeps '{:deps {com.github.pmonks/clj-2253 {:mvn/version "#.#.#"}}}'  # Where #.#.# is replaced with an actual version number

If you use Leiningen:

$ lein try com.github.pmonks/clj-2253

Either way, you will be dropped in a REPL with the library downloaded and ready for use.


The functionality is provided by a single namespace, CLJ-2253, that will work its hacky magic as soon as it's required.

Require it in the REPL:

(require '[CLJ-2253])

Require it in your project:

(ns my-app.core
  (:require [CLJ-2253]))

Contributor Information

Contributing Guidelines

GitHub project

Bug Tracker

Developer Workflow

This project uses the git-flow branching strategy, with the caveat that the permanent branches are called main and dev, and any changes to the main branch are considered a release and auto-deployed (JARs to Clojars, API docs to GitHub Pages, etc.).

For this reason, all development must occur either in branch dev, or (preferably) in temporary branches off of dev. All PRs from forked repos must also be submitted against dev; the main branch is only updated from dev via PRs created by the core development team. All other changes submitted to main will be rejected.

Why are there so many different groupIds on Clojars for this project?

The project was originally developed under my personal GitHub account. In 2018 it was transferred to the clj-commons GitHub organisation, but then, as that group refined their scope and mission, it was determined that it no longer belonged there, and the project were transferred back in late 2021. During this time the build tooling for the project also changed from Leiningen to tools.build, which created further groupId churn (tools.build introduced special, useful semantics for com.github.username groupIds that don't exist with Leiningen or Clojars).


Copyright 2018 Peter Monks

Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0

Dependency Licenses

To see the licenses for all dependencies used by this project, please run:

$ clj -T:build licenses

To see each dependency and its license(s) in detail, run:

$ clj -T:build licenses :output :detailed