
Context of Mutations genetic pipeline

Primary LanguageShell

SNP Context


Corey Carter, St. Paul, MN - 09 January 2018 for Morrell Lab at the University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
This bash script is designed to pull contextual sequence flanking a SNP (variants) from a reference genome.
The window size for contextual sequence can be user specificed.
The program checks for the presence of more than one variant within user specified windows.

Config file

SNP Context can be used with either a config file or the command line, with the config file being the preffered method. Listed below are the config file input parameters:

General input for config file

  • Project name (String): The name of your project, the working directory will hold this name.

  • Input email (String): Sends user PBS jobs updates. If and only if you're using this script on the University Of Minnesota's supercomputing cluster (MSI).

  • reference genome (String, complete path with 'pwd -P' terminal command): The reference genome used for .FASTA file creation.

  • Input file (String): The input .VCF file.

  • referenceGenome (String): The complete path (pwd -P) of your reference genome.

  • Output location (String): The output location of your files, a project directory is created at this location. If no location is specified, then directory and files will be saved at the same location as the input file.

MSI options for config file

  • MSI Mode (Boolean, true or false): If true, then the script will automatically submit your job to PBS job scheduler and allows for the user to save the output text files to MSI S3 tier two storage.

  • PBS parameters (Intergers): Allows you to change the time and amount of resources allocated to the PBS job. Follow the link for more info: MSI PBS job submission

Mutation Motif

  • Window Length (Integer, 0-99): Controls the window length expansion around the SNP location.

  • Flanks (integer, 0-2): Choose between 0 to 2 nucleotides around the SNP location for analysis. The window length must be equal or greater than the Flank size - otherwise if the window is smaller than the flanks, the window length expansion (parameter above) will default to the flank size.

  • Indel maximum amount (Integer, 25-100): The maximum allowed indels in the .FASTA file, beyond the SNP location and 5 base pairs around it. Any indels found within a 2 base pair flanking of the SNP location will be automatically filtered out. Minimum indel threshold is 25%.

Saving Options

  • Save all data (Boolean, true or false): There are many intermediate files created during SNP Context. This parameter allows you to save all intermediate files to your output directory; At the bottom of the page there is a complete list of output files if save all data is true:

MSI and Amazon S3

  • Save S3 (Integer, 0 - 3): This allows you to save the mutation motif outputs files (Count Tables) and config files to S3. The user can choose between these values (0 - 3):

    0. Don't save to any S3 storage (default setting).

    1. Save to MSI's S3 tier two storage.

    2. Save to Amazons external S3 service. (Needs .aws set up: Setting up amazon S3)

    3. Save to both MSI S3 storage and Amazons S3 storage platforms.


  • DropBox (Boolean, true or false): The user can save the unique output files (counts tables and config file) to their personal DropBox app. Follow the link to step up a DropBox app: Setting up DropBox app

  • DropBox auth (String): The authentication code, needed for saving Dropbox files from the script. Follow this link for instructions on setting this up. NOTE: this data is redacted when uploaded to S3, Dropbox or Github.


  • Github (Boolean, true or false): Do you want to save the output files (counts tables and config file) to a Github repository

  • gitUser (String) : Your GitHub username. NOTE: this data is redacted when uploaded to S3, Dropbox or Github.

  • gitPass (String) : Your GitHub password: NOTE: this data is redacted when uploaded to S3, Dropbox or Github.

  • Myrepository (String): The name of the repository you will be saving the output files to.

  • owner (String): The owner (their username) of the repository, leave blank if you're the owner

Command Line equivalents to the config file (can be run in any order).

-w = Window Length (Integer, 0-99)

-em = Input email (String)

-i = Input file (String)

-o = Output location (String)

-msi = MSI Mode (Boolean, true or false)

-p = Project name (String)

-f = Flanks (integer, 0-2)

-r = referenceGenome (String, complete path with 'pwd -P' terminal command)

-n = Indel maximum amount (Integer, 25-100)

-ad = Save all data (Boolean, true or false)

-msi = MSI Mode (Boolean, true or false)

-s3 = Save S3 (Interger, 0 - 3)

-dpa = DropBox (Boolean, true or false)

-dpba = DropBox auth (String) REDACTED WHEN UPLOADED

-gh = Github (Boolean, true or false)

-ghu = gitUser (String) REDACTED WHEN UPLOADED

-ghp = gitPass (String) REDACTED WHEN UPLOADED

-gho = owner (String)

-ghr = Myrepository (String)


If the parameter all data is true, than all intermediate files are saved in the output directory. If all data is false than only the Word, Combined Counts Tables and rejected files (.VCF, .BAM, .FASTA) are saved in the output directory.

If 'all Data' is TRUE:

  • Parsed .VCF files
  • Parsed .BAM files
  • Parsed .BED files
  • .FASTA files
  • Consolidated rejected nuleotide positions from .BAM file
  • Consolidated rejected Indels .FASTA file
  • Word Counts tables
  • Combined Counts tables

If 'all Data' is FALSE (default):

  • Consolidated rejected nucleotide positions from .BAM file
  • Consolidated rejected Indels .FASTA file
  • Word Counts tables
  • Combined Counts tables

Misc Info

Error Handling

  • SNP Context catches any errors that may occur during runtime and saves it to a file called the SNP_CONTEXT_ERROR_LOG.txt and is located in the SNP Context script directory.

Generated PBS job script location

  • A PBS job script is generated in MSI mode, that file is saved in the SNP Context script directory.